Monday, November 2, 2009

Top Heavy District

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA Has Kids at Heart, But Also, Limitations":

If the PTA really wants to make things better for students, they need to take a look at how top-heavy our district is with administrators and administrative salaries. We could buy so many more teachers--and keep class sizes so much smaller--if we got rid of some of the deadwood at central and in the department offices.

1 comment:

  1. Look at Administrators salaries! That's where the cuts should be made. Look at the percentage of increase some administrators in Central Administration received. How about consultants? Do you realize that our school district has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants. If you research further, you will also see that our BOE spent $9,00 on dinners for their board meetings. The district should spend the same amount of money where it counts, on the teachers who are responsible for educating our children. GREAT teachers create GREAT students. We have GREAT teachers in Plainview. MY children went through this school system not that long ago, and I must say that it is thanks to their teachers that they became the successful adults they are today. I know times are hard, but aren't your children worth the small amount of increase our teachers deserve? I say yes. I'm tired of hearing the complaints and the moaning and groaning about our teachers. If you're not happy, move to the city or move to a different school district. I think PLainview kids deserve the best!
