Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where Would We Be Without the Teachers Union?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Expectations Must Be Realistic":

Why do you consider the PCT's stance to be unprofessional? I believe that the teachers have maintained a very professional attitude. I was witness to a teacher being cursed at while shopping at shoprite with his children, this teacher politly reminded the person that he was with his children, I was so moved that I went up to that teacher and appologized for the behavior of the other person. I am also a union member. the job of the unions is to advocate for their constituants, this is usually done through picketing. in closing, think about this. what would be the status of labor in this country if not for the protectoin and colective bargaining of unions? Do a little research into the labor movement and working conditions in this country prior to the existence of unions and you will see how they have benifited this nation. Before you go bashing the PCT think about what the status of education in our country would be like without teachers unions. The educated amoung us would rea;ize the importance.

1 comment:

  1. It's not the stance, but how they are going about it is what is a large part of the problem.
