Sunday, January 24, 2010

Catching Up.

Apologies to all, business called. The items below are older emails that may or may not be pertinent but were sent in and so should be posted. To my knowledge, there has been no contract officially signed as of yet. Perhaps a subscriber could shed further light. A belated happy new year to all.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Mr. Rosenfeld..":

Mr. Rosenfeld and the PCT can make a Boy Scout troop look bad. If you came in asking and not demanding, I for one would of been on your side. Don't say that you did.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

so what are we going to talk about now?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

Does anyone know the terms? What were the compromises on each side?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

uh oh - did the teachers get all they wanted? and if so, God help us

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

Do we get to go through this again in 2011?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

The PCT should be VERY thankful for the proposed agreed upon settlement of 2% this year folled by 3% including longevity next year.

The BOE on the other gave in and rewarded the union once again, setting the stage for future BOEs to try to stop the ever increasing outflow of money that the residents of POB just can't afford.

If New BOE trustees are appointed at the next election, will they be able to stop the union from getting their entitlement of a raise when the next contract comes due?

What ever happened to a 9 period day?
Why don't teacher have hall duties instead of aides?
Why do some regular ed. teacher in the collab. model treat the special education teachers like aides?
When will the spec ed teachers collaborate with the regular ed teachers as equals when it comes to grading?
When will the school district offer collab classes for seniors?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

we have not heard from you in a while. are you upset that there is no longer a need for this blog?

Ed's note: The teacher's contract is only one of the many issues our school district faces that should be discussed amongst the taxpayers and parents. I hope that if you all have the stomachs to go forward we will continue our conversations trying to improve the curriculum, insure equal instruction and prep across all of the schools, argue over how the budget should be handled, addding more periods to the day, gaining extra help for elementary students, etc. etc. etc. For my money, we have just scratched the surface.
This is our district in spite of the high taxes, it does not run on autopilot and the board should be given direction by us.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PARENT Teacher Association":

the pta is busy. all the crazy volunteers are busy....busy....busy....pretending to be ceo's cfo's...busy, busy, busy ---what a waste of their time....they get used and abused and the teachers and administrators hate pta in their buildings and yet, they stay busy, busy, busy...why? i dont get it! what a crock..

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

That's right, that's what I heard from my neighbor who's a teacher. My neighbor even went as far as to tell me which board members voted for the contract!! I was appalled when she told me, I asked her how she knew about closed meeting discussions and she told me that her building rep told her!! I will not post the names, but will say that if you want to know who voted for and against go to the meeting tomorrow night, you will then see who really represents the community and who doesn't.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

Where are the updates, I live for this stuff about the unionites and their fearless leader.

And finally,

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tentative New 2 Year Contract?":

Dear residents,
There is a very good website that everyone should take a look at. The site is WWW.EMPIRECENTER.ORG

below is the link to the article concerning our schools that was on this site and in Newsday:

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