Friday, February 5, 2010

Make Your Complaint Count, ....VOTE!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Needed: New Board of Ed":

Game? Do you really believe that? Please, this was the first time since I've been in this town (over 20yrs.) where the board has not voted unanimously on a teacher contract. Do you really want to know where the game is being played? it's being played out in the voting booth by the PCT and their puppet rubber stamp Board members. Gary Buttan's up for re-election he knows who votes and who doesn't, Ms. Weinstein's term is up also, how did she vote? The only Board member who's up for re-election that had voted the way the community has been saying they wanted the Board to vote was Mr. Cepeda. The Board knows who votes and who doesn't, the voters are mostly made up of PCT members who live in this community, other teachers whose union tells them to vote sympathetically with the PCT and the Board member's friends! The rest of this community do nothing but complain and whine but can't be bothered to make a difference at the voting booth. You get what you vote for, and if you don't vote then there's nothing to complain about. Let's separate ourselves from the nickname this town has earned in the past (ComPlainview) and start to make a difference. Every Vote counts if it's cast!

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