Monday, March 1, 2010

Board Makes Public Questioning More Difficult

Stefanie Nelkens has left a new comment on your post "Where Your Money Is Going, Show Up To Next Board M...":

Hopefully at the next BOE budget meeting, which is this Monday at 7:15 PM, the BOE will allow for public discussion of budget matters by discussing them prior to public participation.

Unfortunately at this past meeting the budget items (elementary and middle school budgets) were discussed under "new business" which comes after public participation.

This did not allow for any questions that evening regarding the budget pieces presented unless you asked the questions prior to the presentation of the information. That's awkward and it's also awkward to have to come to an additional budget meeting to ask questions on something presented the week before.

This came up last year and the BOE changed the agenda to provide ample opportunity for public participation. Let's hope that this gets changed for the upcoming meetings.

1 comment:

  1. If the BOE wants to truly make a difference in the best interests of all parties then they should permently change the public participation to be after "new business" Time to step up to the plate BOE
