Saturday, May 1, 2010

Should Be For All......

Extended Readiness Meeting

Tuesday, May 11th 7:00 PM

Stratford Road Auditorium

Please join us for an informational meeting about the Extended Readiness program. The District Office administration and the

K-Center principal will be prepared to share the up-coming plans. Time will be allotted for questions and answers.

Kindergarten PTA Meeting to Follow @ 7:45 PM in the Kindergarten Center Cafeteria


  1. The parents with kids who are entering kindergarten should know about this. Someone should pass this information to the neighborhood pre-schools.

    Even if your kids are past this stage and weren't in XR its important to know what our school district offers. We all need to be active and make sure our schools are reflecting our values and concerns.

  2. Why is the PTA sending this note out? Why isn't the district sending this out? The administration has dropped the ball again.

  3. Notice how they haven't invited any of the XR teachers to this meeting.
