Monday, February 21, 2011

A Teacher's Point of View

I teach in a Long Island district. We reopened our contract for renegotiation at the request of our board of education in light of the bad economy. Something was worked out based on the particulars of our contract. In the end it meant less money for us over the next few years but hopefully minimal, if any lost jobs, a clear message to the community that we appreciate their support and will do whatever we can to reciprocate. We're neither the wealthiest nor the poorest district in the area. Our salaries are, to my knowledge below the average but we care about our community and our community cares about us. I'd never want to work anywhere else.

It's too bad so much bad blood exists in Plainview. It doesn't have to be this way for either side.


  1. The teacher who posted this comment should be a model for those that follow their union so blindly. The last round of contract "negotiations" was a disgrace and those that fought so vehemently and spoke so nastily about the parents and even students in this community should be ashamed of themselves. New conract negotiations will be underway and our district will likley face some hard choices regarding our budget (even if we have a surplus now). The PCT should have the comon decency that this teacher's union did and respect the people in this community for a change.

  2. im a parent in this district . I don't recall anyone who claimed to be a teacher in this district speaking nastily about any parent or student in this district. show me one post from the past that in this blog in which a teacher is openly disrespectful towards a member of the community and ill show you at least ten in which posters are openly nasty to teachers

  3. Do you think that this blog is the only place people speak out? If you attended last year's BOE meetings (most of which many people did not)you may have been subjected to an awful meeting where teacher after teacher got up and spoke out about needing pay raises. A number of teachers spoke about how "ridiculous" it is that people in this district complain about teachers' raises when driving their Lexus' or their kids wearing their Uggs. I was there and I was appalled that they even commented on that. Very unprofessional! Many teachers highlighted their hard work with the kids. I commend their hard work and appreciate it. But guess what, many of us also work very hard at our jobs but didn't get raises last year. We were happy to have a job to go to. So perhaps you should widen your horizons beyond this blog and attend a BOE meeting or two. You might be surprised by what you learn.

  4. in response to the post from 8:26 am, I was at almost all of the BOE meetings and what I herd was parents cursing out teachers. not once was there any mention of the types of cars driven by parents, the only place that cars was mentioned was in this blog.

  5. in response to post at 2:32
    you are mistaken. There WAS a teacher who made a big deal of the type of clothes and cars the kids wear and drive. "SHE IS" a H.S. teacher. I also attend BOE meetings, maybe you don't have a child in the H.S. and didn't recognize HER.
    SHE knows who SHE is.

  6. The types of cars that that a teacher drives is really meaningless. Who cares. Anyone can lease a lexus today. As far as going to Board meetings. I used to go to board meetings until the very thought of going turned my stomach . Why ? because some of the board members hear the parents speaking at the mic but they are not listening . They ignore the will of the residents when it comes to fiscal responsibility of our school district. This is not about teacher bashing. we have alot of good teachers

  7. Yes we do have a lot of good teachers and this is not bashing their abilities but it is bashing the mentality of their union and how it has gained so much control over the BOE and the Plainview residents over the years. The PCT and particularly its leader are very arrogrant and believe they are "owed" everything they demand. It is time to wake up and see what is happening in this state and around the country. Unions can no longer function with their "mob" like mentality and extort money from tax payers. Unions had a good purpose initially but now they are bringing down this country and the PCT will bring down Plainview.

  8. Unions had a good purpose and still have a good purpose in this country. With irrational capitalism and greed that abounds this country , unions are still greatly needed. Streotyping "unions " with "mob mentality" would be the same as stating that all corporations and their executives are dishonest crooks.History proves that if it were not for unions we would probably not have Social Security along with a multitude of labor laws that protect the union,non union as well as the executives in the office buildings who probably have no idea or appreciation for the very rights and freedoms that they enjoy in their workplace. Private unions are different from the public unions where we have the problem. Most if not all public unions are employed by the government to which there is no competition.
    The problem is that our incompetent and corrupt politicians negotiated bad labor contracts for decades and now we are paying the price.
