Sunday, May 1, 2011

District Wide Budget Presentation Monday May 2nd at 7:45 ---Spread the Word

There will be ONE and ONLY ONE District-wide Budget Presentation given by the Superintendent at POBMS FOR ALL PARENTS on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:45PM in the POBMS auditorium.

AND Remember tomorrow is the President/Superintendent Meeting at 9:30am in the board room!


  1. I cannot make it to candidate's night today. Can someone please provide information on the candidates? Thank you.


  3. Please make this a separate subject.

    WAKE UP PLAINVIEW!! You can't complain about the teacher's contracts, the quality of education, or your taxes and then be apathetic and not come out to VOTE IN NEW BOARD MEMBERS. The imcumbents are clearly in the union's pocket, and unless you come out and vote for the other guy, the unions will come out and get their people in to give them raises. Why are other districts getting givebacks and not POB? Ginger and Debbie have been on the Board too long. We need a fresh perspective and independent board members.

  4. You want to really stop this runaway tax bill? Then call you state assemblyman Charles Levine and tell him you want a TAX CAP PASSED. That is the only way you are going to stop school districts on long island from the fiscal irresponsibility that exists with the spending of our tax dollars

  5. Yes because tax caps have worked out so well for other states. Look at the California as one example.

  6. The only way to control the costs of education is a tax cap . The past 10 years that I have lived in the district have proven to be a failure of fiscal responsibility with our school board. If the taxes continue to rise the way they have been our home values will forever stay flat of go down because people will not be able to either live here or move here. Forget about California ,you can not compare us to California
