Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Teacher Face Book Accounts?

Can you please post as a New Thread for Comments and Opinions:

Teachers and Facebook?

What is the district or Union policy on teacher's Facebook pages?

There is so much discussion these days on potential employers reviewing FB and social network sites for hiring decisions.
Also our students are told to watch what they put on Social Network sites...For college board review.
So what do we do as parents, when we Google our teachers crudentials and find a teacher's Facebook page with pictures of them as adults drinking or other inappropiate postings?$#@*?


  1. If the teacher is of legal age I do not see the problem with them consuming alcohol and posting those pictures if they so please. As long as they aren't photos of them drinking while teaching our children? What's the issue?

    I would suggest that you speak to your school principal and the district administration if you found something inappropriate so they can deal with the situation. Most teachers I know have their social media accounts set to private and are very limited in their sharing of information with the public. Perhaps someone can tell this teacher his/her settings should be changed and then there won't be anymore issues with the problem.

  2. Mr. Rosenfeld, if you're reading this, please advise the teachers accordingly. I overheard some teenagers talking about an elementary teacher in the district. They were laughing about pictures posted on her adult child's facebook page. I looked it up on facebook and sure enough, in public content (the teacher's daughter never made her f/b photos private) there are pictures of this elementary school teacher at the luxurious home of the America's most famous pornography tycoon, partying with her adult children, posing close and personal with young ladies in "Easter" costumes and even one lying on a bed with a mirrored ceiling. She's entitled to her private life. We all have different lifestyles and perhaps ideas about morality. I am not judging. As Internet savvy as many young kids are nowadays, this is not something that needs to circulate through the community. This teacher's daughter needs to privatize her facebook settings. Also, as many nut cases as there are in this world, it is not safe to have such photos of oneself publicly posted especially since this individual is responsible for the safety of young children.

    This teacher may not even know these pictures are posted publicly on facebook. Please say something to all the elementary teachers about this.
