Saturday, December 17, 2011

The New Superintendent.....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Give Your Thoughts to the District on a New Superi...":

We need a trail blazer in the new superintendent, someone looking to put the district back on the map of great school systems, not a retiree returnee or someone at the end of the career ladder.



  1. We need someone with enough experience to come in, assess, initiate and effect immediate change but not too far along in the career cycle that he/she is past the point of caring.

  2. WE need a superintendent who can be fiscally responsible . Manage the school with out the politics that sometimes seems to take a higher priority than what is in the best interest of the children. We also need a person who will not cave in to the politics of the PTA, PCT,and other political interest groups in our school.

  3. Plainview should not be a training ground for a district level administrator looking to advance beyond us. It also should neither be a last rung on the career ladder nor a stepping stone to other things. Whoever we get should prove himself (or herself) as worthy of the challenge and be in it for the long haul.

  4. Now we have a lame duck

    Quack quack

  5. Dempsey's last nail in our children's educational coffins will be to recommend Giwrasch for tenure.

  6. I sincerely hope the board members realize how substandard our district will become if she is granted tenure or worse given Dempsey's position.
