Thursday, January 12, 2012

more Burglary Information...And Some Tips

Subj: Recent Incidents in our area

Good Morning All - just wanted to share with you a conversation that I
had with the Plainview police dept last night.

The reason I called is because after hearing about all of the activity
in our area last night  I remembered that at 4:45 yesterday I received
a call (showed as private number on my caller ID) from a Chimney
company - they basically told me that they had serviced me in the past
& it was time again for the service to be done.  I said no thankyou &
hungup. After speaking with Melissa Kessler (she lives on Sutton) last
night - we realized that we both got the same call. - this is a scam
and it is a way for these horrible people to find out if there is
anyone at home.

Tips from the Plainview Police Dept - most of which we already know
  • alarm on at all times - even when we are home
  • house fully lit - front & back
  • be aware - call in anything strange right away
  • lock all doors at all times
  • put away all valuables - don't leave ipads, itouchs laptops etc -
  • don't leave them on coffee tables, kitchen counters where it is easy
  • to see through a window.

most of all - we have to stick together - please pass this onto anyone
that is not on this list - I do not have all of the emails.

BTW -the man that was arrested on Joslyn/Sutton last night was
released - the cops said they had nothing to hold him on but also said
that there were no other robberies in our area last night after that-
Go figure!


  1. I got a call from a private caller that said they were chimney people also!

  2. Even if the call you receive is from a private caller, you should report it to the police immediately. What comes up as private on our caller id screens may not be private on the screens of the telephone company or the police station. Also, it alerts the police to an area where these thieves are checking out. All information, no matter how small you think it is could be helpful to track these people down and make our community safe again.

  3. Please be careful about using people's first names on this blog. We don't know who these thieves are or what revenge they might use on someone if one of their group is caught.
