Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hey POB Sports Department- Whats Up With This?

Can you please post as a Seperate Posting

What is going on with our sports department?
Especially at POB Middle School

There were 26 girls who were interested in playing 7th and 8th grade girls softball at POB Middle School for the 2012 season.
In prior years there were 2 teams one for 7th grade and one for 8th grade.
This year the decision was to combine 7th and 8th grade girls and cut 8 girls from either 7th or 8th grade and make a combined team 7th and 8th. There were enough 7th grade girls to make 1 team for the grade.
ALL OF THE OTHER TEAM SPORTS FOR 7TH GRADE GIRLS THIS YEAR at POB -soccer, volleyball etc... has been a walk-on with no cuts .
Why was there not 2 teams this year - One for 7th and One for 8th Grade Girls?
The 2 Middle Schools Maitlin and POB could have combined THE GIRLS together to form one team for each grade!
Is it true that the boys baseball teams for 7th and 8th grade combine both Middle Schools and play as one team per grade?-Double Standard????

Can someone please explain this?????


  1. Sounds like gender discrimination to me. If they do not provide the same opportunities for the girls as they do fo the boys. The school may want to revuew their decision to only have one girls softball team

  2. This got brought up at the last POB MS PTA meeting and at the BOE so people in charge all are aware of the problem. Why can't this get resolved? Is our school district that much of a bureaacracy that they can't fix this obvious mistake? There are millions of dollars in our budget and this seems like a silly place to be cheap, especially when we are promoting wellness.

  3. So far it has been two weeks and it appears the school district has not made any decisions on explaining to Plainview parents and children as to why the boys are all allowed to play softball in the middle school and the girls are forced to try out. If they think this will be one of those issues that they can just brush off , I think they may be mistaken.

  4. I know I'm a little late to the party here, but it's not true that 7th & 8th grade baseball are combined to have one team per grade. There are 2 teams for each grade - one per school. So yes, there's quite a bit of inequality.
