Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Morty Rosenfeld Find Some Tact


Does anyone else find it bothersome that the President of the Teacher's Union felt it necessary to insert his anti-testing and anti-teacher evaluation slant into his blog post about the two losses this community suffered this week? Why couldn't he just express his sympathy on behalf of the union and leave it at that? He frequently rants on the subject, so why does he have to mention it in the same breath as these devastating losses? And this is who they wish to represent them? Follow this link for his blog post.


  1. Perhaps it's time for Morty to go?

  2. What are you talking about!? If you read the blog posting you cited, it wasn't anti-test--it was anti giving a test to youngsters who were likely grieving. Sounds like compassion to me.

  3. you totally misread what he said.

  4. I read that posting. What I took from it was that it's unfair during such a difficult time for the Mattlin students to be forced to spend six days in intensive testing. Agreed, it's more compassionate than anything else.

  5. I have not been a fan of Morty, but I don't see an issue with what he said. I interpreted this as him talking about giving kids useless tests and at a bad time.

  6. Morty is doing a very good job...He watchs over the teachers, students and community. What planet are you on???
    What's the matter... Having a slow week???
    Leave Morty alone, let him do his job.

  7. I personally have neither a problem with Mr. Rosenfeld's blog post nor with him. What I do find disturbing is a post with questions such as, "What planet are you on?" or "Having a slow week?"

    Can we maintain some standards of dignity on this blog? We can disagree, nothing wrong with that but if nothing else, it's an insult to Suzala to denegrate her hard work here with childish reactions.

    1. Sorry Suzala...
      To 04:22 PM Your the one who took this to a "not nice" level.
      By the way... I disagree... Better now???

    2. I agree with 4/25 4:22PM. It's been said before on this blog, disagreements don't require attacks and insults. The defense on 4/26 6:41AM was out of line.

  8. Morty's blog was thoughtful and sensitive. Many students finished these exams in less time than they were forced to sit there for. They were not allowed to read a book. I wonder how many kids minds wandered into these tragedies because they were stuck doing nothing during these tests. Perhaps that time could have been better spent providing emotional support.

  9. I agree with 4/26/2012 @ 6:41.
    It is clear that this person didn't agree and was picked on for it.
    Bringing Suzala into it was out of line, atleast the person said they were sorry. There were no "attacks", give me a break already and give this a rest while your at it.
    Thank you so very much.
    By the way, Suzala Thank you for taking care of this blog, I love it and I enjoy to hear different views.

  10. Hmmm. I got from April 25th at 4:22 that he (or she) had "neither a problem with Mr. Rosenfeld's blog post nor with him" but was disturbed by the rudeness of the response "What planet are you on?'' Agreeing or not, how is that polite or constructive?

    I'm sorry to anyone who disagrees with the following. Suzala does work very hard to keep this blog going. I agree it's an insult to her "to denegrate her work with childish reactions."

    Hearing different views is wonderful. Observing rudeness is not.

  11. I think some of the posters on this topic need to get a grip and get over it. I am no fan of Morty, but there are far more things that should be discussed on this site than whether your feelings are hurt because Morty stated that the tests should of been delayed.

    1. I agree 100%... Bravo to May 6th @ 9:59!!
      Like I said a few weeks ago "These people are having a slow week"
      and then all these comments started. They even had to bring Suzala into the mix. They are the ones being rude calling "us" rude" Next they will be correcting my spelling.
      Here's one for you : Start a new topic.
