Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just Settle This

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Stop Screwing Around With My Kids":

Caustic atmosphere towards education created by parents. Hmm.

Education here is what it is. Did you think you could stir the pot without some of the ugly stuff on the bottom surfacing to the top?

Maybe you should wear your black outfits and Contract Now buttons when you do your errands and visit with family and friends on Thanksgiving. If you truly believe in your cause tell the world. Contact Newsday and News 12 and have them do a story in your favor. Don't just save your message for the classroom. Spread your good cheer around.

If negotiations are at a stalemate, get an arbitrator and settle.

1 comment:

  1. both sides have to agree to arbitration snd since the board is willing to talk to anyone this is unlikely.
