Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No Other Jobs To Compare....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Benefits: Comparison Please.":

We can not even begin to compare a teachers salary to any one else because there are no other jobs beside a teacher who make on average $96,000 for working 8:30-3:30 , 180 days a year and has an $80,000 pension that is free from New york state income tax on top of the 8% guaranteed interest 401k plan. The benefit plan is overly generous on the backs of Plainview residents who have to work in Manhattan 10-12 hours a day to pay their school tax bill


  1. Wow how ignorant can you get? it is a 403b and we have not made 8%. We have lost money just like you did. But, it is nice to live in a fantasy world.

  2. The Westbury board wisely just settled a 5 year agreement with salary increases of 2.5%, 3%, 3%, 3% and 3% plus increment. Keep on trucking Long Island school districts. Plainview will not be a desireable town to live in soon. Don't pass the budget. The community will only be hurting itself! Think before you say NO!

  3. If teaching is so easy, then why don't more people go into education? Most people cringe when I tell them that I teach high school students. I, on the other hand, cannot imagine doing anything else! Most people complain that teachers have every holiday off and the summers off too. I'm pretty sure that most weekends and holidays I'm grading papers, planning lessons, or writing college recommendations. I am definitely NOT complaining because I really, really like what I do. However I get insulted when I hear ignorant people talking about how easy it is to teach. I would challenge anyone to spend a few days in my shoes at school. I know how much of a big deal it is to make a presentation on the corporate level - hours of planning and editing... I do 5 presentations EVERY day! It is my job to educate AND entertain teenagers. It was my decision to live within driving distance of my place of employment - just as it is some Plainview residents' choice to commute to a job in Manhattan. I do not criticize people who make more money than me (even those without a high school education). Instead, I am grateful to have such a rewarding job. Please do not be angry about college-educated, hard-working adults earning wages comparable to those in neighboring towns. Just as you wouldn't want your children to be compared to those in (much)less affluent areas - please dignify your teachers with the same respect.
