Thursday, April 8, 2010

Again... Time to Speak Out

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Just like In Plainview":

The teacher's 2 year contract will be renegotiated soon. It is important to put pressure on the BOE to follow suit with other school districts and impose a pay freeze in the next contract. The budget was adopted last night. It will increase nearly 3% with a large portion of that coming from the increase in teacher's salaries. How much more can this district take. People need to speak out and tell the BOE what is said in this blog.


  1. I would like to know if this is fact or rumor about the renegotiation of the teachers contract if anybody knows.

  2. No it is not a rumor. The contract that was agreed upon was a 2 year contract but it was retroactive to when the old contract expired, I believe in June 2009. This means within the next year it will be time again to negotiate the contract that expires in 2011
