Friday, April 9, 2010

Teacher Cell Phone Usage?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where's the Education?":

Parents should ask their children how many times if any do they see their teachers using their cell phones talking or texting during class time. From what I understand , this is a common practice in the elementary and middle schools . If the children can not use the phones(which I agree with) then the teachers should be barred from using them as well except for emergencies of course. How many parents have come across this?


  1. are you saying that you want to use you children as pawns by having them report on teachers? didn't some parents complain about teachers using students as pawns by wearing buttons?

  2. My son is in POB Middle and he says one of his teachers is on her Blackberry all the time texting

  3. My children can be snitches anytime when I am paying outrageous taxes for their education and the people whose salary I am paying have the nerve to be on their cell phones checking messages and texting.
