Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Get Ready to Do This Again

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers, You Must Have Realistic Expectations":

The teachers did not speak with anger-they spoke with pride in all that has been accomplished in this district for such a long time. What is a shame is that the board is only willing (not willing) to negotiate a 2 year contract. So, unfortunately this town should get ready to go through this once again in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. True, they spoke with Pride, they spoke about the hard work which they all do. All true. But if you bring up the past, do you bring up the past rankings of our public schools?

    I trust you remember a few years ago when our schools rankings we slipping dramatically. Predominantly in math, but other subjects as well. Perhaps this was due to the then superintendent, but the teachers still received raises during this time as well.

    Clearly they are not returning this money. While I support the teachers, as someone has stated on this site, all parents appreciate the hard work and effort the teachers put in. All understand that teachers face the same financial hurdles that we all face.

    This is not about the effort from the teachers, it is about the state of the economy. The teachers should respect this fact and not take such a hard line position.

    Further, a 2 year contract is not the worst thing from a negotiating standpoint for the teachers. Think about it, if the economy improves they can then ask for additional increases in two years (less time now)...
