Sunday, May 30, 2010

We're Not Complaining, Just to Complain

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Looking for an Avenue That Fosters Real Change":

You are completely wrong, blindsided, and maybe a teacher,adminstrator or someone who does not get it. How can you net expect people to be angry when they receive a tax bill that is through the roof, they bring their kids to school where you have to first drive around the greedy picketing teachers who have already parked their lexuses, benzes, and infiniti's in the parking lot. Once you drop your kids off they walk into a building with brownspotted ceilings from the leaks, go into an auditorium whos speaker system is so old that the sound is terrible and then the kids sweat on the hot days because the buildings are so inadequate that they can not handle enough air conditioners. Then you look online and see that the teachers are earning 110.000, 95,000,115,000 etc. Like the last blogger wrote if we felt we were getting a good value for our tax dollar we would not complain but we are not. We are getting shafted by a greedy bunch of people who think they should be millionaires for teaching and a BOE who ignores economic realities of finance(most of them). If you really think people are just complaining to complain then you should do some more research. Enjoy your memorial day weekend:-}

1 comment:

  1. You brought some great points. I'd like to add that the quality of instruction is also substandard.
