Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Parade was Wonderful!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Plainview OldBethpage Turns Out to a Great Parade!...":

It was a lovely day. All the students who participated were wonderful. I noticed that yet again for another year the principal from Parkway was there. It is great to see members of the administration participating in community events on their days off.


  1. Just reviewing the last week of activities I was fortunate enough to experience with my children...I attended a baseball game spoonsored by Plainview Little League, a band concert at the middle school, a science symposium to review research projects done by high school students and attended a parade. For anyone not happy with living in this district I recommend that next year they go to the science research symposium to hear about all the kids who are being honored for their outstanding work....There were over 11,000 entries for the Dupont contest and the top 24 were honored...Know where three of those top 24 came from? In fact, the ONLY 3 on Long Island?? Not Ward Melville...our very own JFK HS...I grew up here, moved back here and am very glad to be here...

  2. Thank you for your comments,
    I am very glad to be in this
    special town too. It was nice to read
    some positive and true comments for
    a change. Thank you again!
    (No... I'm not a teacher)

  3. Thank you for this comment. I too love living here and have been able to take part in many of the local events these past weeks.
