Monday, November 14, 2011

Just the ELA Facts Ma'am...

read to end please...

 Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POB District Listed By the State as Needing Improv...":
The statistics For GRADE 3

7.9% level 1.   19.3 % level 2.  
27.2% not meeting standards
That is more than 1 in 4 kids
There are not that many special ed kids at Stratford Road

But compare to Parkway grade 3
1.3% level 1.   25 % level 2
26.3 % not meeting standards at Parkway - not that great either

Old Bethpage Grade 3 
0% level 1.   25.5 % level 2
Still 1 in 4 kids not meeting standards in 3rd grade

Grade 3.   1.2 % level 1.    21.2% level 2
The best scores go to Pasadena

All Stratford parents know the instruction at the school is not up to par with other schools.  Its great that Albany knows also.  Maybe something will finally get done.

Stratford 4th grade
3.8% level 1,   19.2 level 2

 Old Bethpage 4th grade
0% level 1.  11.9 level 2

That's a huge difference!!!!

Parkway grade 4
2.1% level 1.   18.1% level 2

Pasadena grade 4
1.2% level 1.    25.6% level 2

Except for the 4th grade superstars at Old Beth :)
these scores show a problem in ELA instruction districtwide

Not just Stratford Road

Maybe the special ed kids tipped the scale for Stratford but there is no excuse for over 27% of 3rd graders to not meet standards!

And 31% of POB Middle 7th graders didn't meet ELA standards either

Plenty of reason to twitter

Ed's note:
The following post came in today. I need to add that the board addressed this and admitted that the ball had been dropped with regards to ELA. While Strattford was singled out by the state, the board acknowledged that even when compared to most schools on Long Island, POB as a whole produced lower grades than most on the ELA tests. A new ELA program was instituted this fall in order to address the problem. It is a shame in my humble opinion that most parents didn't learn about this by attending the board meetings, or at the least via missive from the school or PTA. At this point, it would make sense as tax payers and parents to attend the board meetings to make sure this new program is working.                      


  1. This was discussed at length by Parkway's principal at our first and second PTA meetings. She and one of the teachers went over how the new ELA testing works. She also stated that teachers no longer have access to the test post scores being released so they have no way of knowing if it was a problem with a specific portion of the test (which does happen) that the children had problems with or if it was specific to the child. Also it is important to note that the whole state had their numbers go down with the last round of testing. Not just our district.

  2. Parents want to point fingers and place blame but how many actually attend the Board of Ed meetings to see what is going on, and demand change? I feel far too few.

  3. Most kids in our district scored on Level 3.
    Level 3 is a big range of ability. A 3 can be just above a 2, 2 is not meeting sandards) somewhere in the middle, or just below a 4 (4 is exceeding stndrds).
    A student who got a 3 because they missed 1-2 questions from getting a 4 has very different educational needs than a student who got a 3 because they got 1-2 more questions right from getting a 2.  
    Those low 3s probably need as much extra help as the 2s. Knowing how many of our students scored low 3s would give a better picture of what is going on here.

  4. I am a parent that used to attend Board meetings regurly. I used to watch some of the things that went on and it was very disheartning how some of these board members ignore the residents when they get up at the public participation and speak publicly to them. Demand change ! Do you know how many times a resident has gotten up there to demand a change and they just ignored them? Then come the excuses. Just like the admission " yes we dropped the ball" . That is unacceptable. As far as the PTA is concerned I wonder sometimes if they are more interested in selling cupcakes, playing politics or finding someone to honor than actually being somewhat critical of the administration and problems we have in our school. We have been through this time and time again with this board. Just like the constructivist math program that the school took years to get rid of.

  5. It is easy to blame the teachers...
    The parents don't do enough... sad. :(

  6. I looked into this and some things here just aren't true...

    Case in point:
    "[E]ven when compared to most schools on Long Island, POB as a whole produced lower grades than most on the ELA tests."

    Let's not forget the fact that Nassau's scores are always higher than Suffolk's scores, and are always the highest in the state, but here goes:

    Grade 3: Tied for 28th out of 56 Nassau Districts
    Grade 4: Tied for 16th out of 56 Nassau Districts
    Grade 5: 16th out of 56 Nassau Districts
    Grade 6: Tied for 19th out of 56 Nassau Districts
    Grade 7: 10th out of 56 Nassau Districts
    Grade 8: Tied for 10th out of 56 Nassau Districts

    While we certainly want higher scores next year, especially more mastery, they aren't as bad as they've been made out to be.

  7. Sure we do better compared to Freeport and other lower socio economic areas. But are we where we should be? Disappointing results

  8. Please remember these scores next May and vote for new BOE members . Hold the BOE member accountable

  9. Question - Regarding these scores... is it only by attending the BOE meetings that parents can get a report from the Administration/ principals to explain the scores/remediations?

    I see that Parkway's principal reviewed the outcomes with the PTA. I'm not aware that these reviews were done at the other schools and through a different forum vs.PTA or Board.

  10. The Parkway principal is a class act. She's been here the longest, raised her kids in Plainview and has complete and total devotion to her students and her community. If anyone can point us in the right direction, she can. Regretfully, she is not the one in charge.

  11. Hopefully she gets the asst sup (curriculum)position when the current occupant doesn't receive tenure and moves on!

  12. New English topic: How come we pay for middle school literature textbooks, but xeroxed short stories are sent home? The texts collect dust at home. How come teacher reads story to class on day 1 and on day 2 gives a test on story? Are kids supposed to teach the story to themselves?? Oh, more work for parents, no thank you. Need to bring back traditional teaching to our classrooms. Do vocab, read story, assign questions, discuss, write about THEN give test. Process should be 1 week to go over story.

  13. To 4:08PM... You need to go to school and learn how to parent!!! More work for you... you say??? Now, that's a sad story!

  14. I believe that schools with Special Education students get extra points added to the overall average of the scores...doesn't say much for Stratford...can't blame the Special Education population!
