Saturday, November 19, 2011

Refresh- Where is the Assistant Superintendent Taking Us?

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  1. The only way to approach this issue with the BOE is to go to a meeting with a couple of hundred signatures from Plainiew parents who also beleive she has to go. Then and only then will the BOE listen to you. That is what had to happen for the math program to change a few years ago.

  2. It's been my experience that this woman is not well respected in many areas of the community, including some members of the board. Parents should start sending letters. A petition would be great. She is no friend of the teachers' union or of the building level administrators so they should get on board as well.

  3. We need to stay focused and not overly personalize this, but the truth is she should never have been hired, isn't qualified, isn't doing a good job, and because of this she seems incapable of taking the district and our well deserving students anyplace but downward. It is time for her to go!!! The board needs to know loudly and clearly that as residents, parents, and taxpayers, we want someone who is a legitimate administrator in this highly important(and well paid) position.

  4. I have read the many comments against the Assistant Super, but have yet to read about any first hand examples of her lack of fit at POB. Having no first hand encounters, I am curious.

  5. No one who has first hand experience would post on this site. Many parents, teachers, and administrators have had very negative "global" issues with our current Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum. The integrity of the office has been questioned by many.

  6. First or second hand experience, there is more than enough cause for concern. Most important, if she is acting as she is while still on probation, what do you think is going to happen when she is granted tenure? Wouldn't the district be wise to cut their losses now? I am sure that it will not be very difficult to find a replacement for her, since she hasn't really done much. Hopefully the BOE learns a lesson from this experience!!

  7. She left quite an impression in her prior district. (Sachem)So much so that they are still talking about her...and not for good reasons!

  8. She always seems nice enough whenever I have encountered her, but she clearly is in way over her head, and lacks professional depth. The problem is instead of working to address this she seems more inclined to continue to proceed down the wrong paths and blame us for her shortcomings.

  9. She runs hot and cold. Calculating for her own gain, not interested in student achievement beyond not being in AIS. Our community deserves better. Vote out any board member who votes for her tenure.

  10. She should not get tenure until after she has successfully implemented common core standards which will be a major change in education, why be stuck with someone who may not be able to do the job? She can barely implement changes for minor changes in state tests. I doubt she is up to what we need to be successful for the long term.

  11. I am hearing that we will be stuck with Gierasch. She is getting tenure! Has anyone else heard anything?

  12. Suzala
    My guess is that Ms. Gierasch's tenure vote is fast approaching. Have you heard anything? Is anyone planning anything to protest this decision? Shouldn't this issue be on the first page of your site? Thanks!
