Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday.

To All of Plainview Old Bethpage, to the wait staff at the Blue Angel, to the amazing Librarians of our town, to the guy who works at Fairway and found the soy nut butter no one else could, to the guy who let me in to cross over to the far left lane on Old Country Road so I could get on the 135, to all of you, to all the great commentors on the blog,  I wish a merry/happy holiday and hope that you were gifted exactly what you wished for.


  1. Thank you for keeping up with this blog everyday, and for your wisdom. I wish you a healthy and happy 2012!!!

  2. Happy holidays to you too Suzala. You're the best!!!

  3. And best wishes to Ed!

    (just kidding)
