Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Candidate Nights Summation

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Someone Please Sum Up-"Meet the Candidates Night"":

I can sum up most of the meeting that I was present at. To begin with all the cadidates came appropriately dressed except for Gary bettan who look like he was going to a baseball game. All the cadidates got 2 minutes to speak . I was disappointed that the non incumbents did not explain enough about why they wanted to replace the incumbaents. Some of the questions asked were a waste of time and dumb. One example was about bullying in our school . To begin with we happen to have a qualified Boe member(Ginger Leiberman ) who speaks about that and has written books on the subject so what would they expect the cadidates to say about bullying? Angel Cepeda was the only one who had the Guts to say "look at newday and you will see other districts getting concessions from their teachers". Gary Bettan did not have a clue, he just kept rambling on about what he thinks he has done as a board member. Emily shulman did a really good job on her positions on some of the issues as well as Stephanie Nelkins too. And Gary even stated that we are heading for a financial crisis next year in the school district. And he still voted for the raises?? Probably one of the smartest people up there is Emily Shulman who is a NYS certified teacher and who has taught in high school and at a college.Craig Levy appears to be a smart guy but he was not really forthcoming with enough of his background in my opinion, we do not know enough about him.Angel Cepeda who voted against the teacher contract did very well also . He is a very smart guy as well If you want to see the best chance for change then join me in voting for Emily Shulman, Stephanie Nelkins, and Angel Cepeda


  1. I was also at the meeting last night. I agree that Angel Cepeda was the only one that address the real problem with our District, The Greed of the Teachers union.

    The 1st person that must be voted for is Angel Cepeda.

    The 2nd person is Stephanie Nelkins. Although I do not agree with her on some points, she has proven to be a person that gets things done, even without being on the board. She also has my vote.

    3thrd person, I feel that Gary Bettan might be the better choice than Emily Shulman. I must say I was Not impressed with her. Every other sentence began with "Ehmm". Clearly she is not comfortable speaking in public which makes me think she will panic or avoid conflicts and giving in on crucial issues. Also the biggest problem with Emily is that she is or was a Teacher.
    She has a teachers mentality and not a leadership mentallity. Also next year when teachers contracts come up again she might be sympathic to the Greedy teachers union. I noted that she did not address the highjacking of our schools by the teachers union.

    The Board must have people that are strong and not influenced by the teachers union and outside interests.
    My 3thrd vote is still undecided.

    Forget about Craig Levy, He is on the side of the teachers union especially since his daughter is going to be a teacher. Maybe he wants to try to get her a job in the district.

  2. Stefanie and Emily will bring great brains and common sense to the Board.

  3. Regretfully, I was unable to attend last night. My husband made it for a little while.

    Did anyone ask any questions about the lack of instructional uniformity in the district?

    Any questions about how the schools can better meet the needs of above average students?

    Anything said about how the candidates would handle the current problems in our administration (Dempsey, Gierasch, Stratford principal, etc)?

  4. your comment that a question about "bullying" was a waste of time scares me. The number one threat that our children both younger older face is bullying, cyber or otherwise.

  5. You want a Summation?

    All you need to know is to vote out the BOE incumbent who voted for the contract then at the meet the candidates night states that Plainview is headed towards a financial crisis. Why would this community give Bettan another shot at selling us down the river when it comes to negotiating the next teacher contract.

    If you don't want the union to control the district and you pocketbook you need to come out and vote May 18th. and.......


    Tell your neighbors and friends because Mr.Rosenfeld will be telling his teachers who to vote for!!!!

  6. The reason why the bullying question was a wate of time is beacuse evrybody will agree that it is an issue to be dealt with . It is not like there are different answers like you might hear if you asked the cadidate about negotiating a labor contract.

  7. If you do not want the union to control the pocketbook then vote the budget down. Let the BOE then go to the PCT and tell them that they need givebacks. If they were to cut the extra curricular activities that would also hiy=t the teachers in their wallets as they do get paid extra for those things as well . Voting the budget down will tell the PCT and the BOE ,the teachers got raises because of your disregard for the financial reality of our district is going have to go back to the teachers and demand the next contract be with no increases. The teachers who are descibed in newspapers as the "priveledged class" could go a year or two with out a raise and they would still be doing very well for themselves
