Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where the Money Goes

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Proposition #2 Explained":

It's a way NOT to hide money!!!! The community VOTES on how it is spent.

This gives more ACCOUNTABILITY to where money is and how it can be spent.


  1. Yes ACCOUNTABILITY that is what it is all about. Residents were at the board meeting screaming about the teachers contract and why they should not get raises and look what happen. The BOE disregards the will of the residents . If the school was in such bad shape in need of repairs they should of thought about that before caving in to the PCT. Regardless of that the BOE does not deserve my vote of confidence for a capital reserve fund. Let them deal with the financial situation as it is since they think they are so smart. They created this problem of ignoring the needs of our schools for years while the teachers big fat salaries continued to grow and grow so tough on them I vote NO on proposition #2 and I hope everybody else does as well. And also if you look at the administrators salaries they are even worse.

  2. Are they kidding about getting extra money from the state ? we are heading in the same direction as California. The state is in a hole for over 30 billion dollars in pension obligations for the teachers. There is no extra money not now not ever. This will just give the BOE more places to hide and shift the money from one account to another to make everything look good. Sorry its not going to happen if i can help. And gary bettans ad, what a joke he should not be proud he should be ashamed. What about the teacers contract Gary? didn't have the guts to put that in your ad. He definitely has to go

  3. Accountability. Do you really know where the money goes? I remember one year being at the budget meeting and one of the board members which I think it was Ginger brought up a question of why we were paying for one of the union's BBQ outing every year. No one knew the answer and the funding was cut off. Then there was a year they realized that we were paying for the auxillary police to "come around our school buildings". One board member stated "we have never seen them around at all" and the rest of the board kind of chuckled a little like it was a joke. How many other items are in the budget that they are unaware of? and if we give them the right to have a capital reserve fund it will be just more of our money to spend recklessly. NO on PROP #2

  4. This money is intended to fix our aging schools, like the leaky roof and crumbling staircases at POBMS. Any capital improvements must be paid for out of this fund and must be put to a public vote. How much more accountability can there be?
    It seems to me that some people who post on this blog don't do any reasearch before they speak.

  5. Say NO to Proposition 2.

    There is NO ACCOUNTABILITY for anything in this district. The BOE and administration do not even hold some of the incompetent teachers accountable for their actions or bad performance. The Board just gives them a raise and moves on and now they think about repairs ????? Too Late..There will be NO accountability...Just Lies and Hiding More Money.

    Say "NO" to Prop #2..

  6. As far the first comment that was posted about the residents voting how it is spent. That is not true . The community votes on whether to create a fund for capital improvements. If it were to pass(hopefully not) then it would be up to the BOE to decide how the money is spent on what they qualify as capital improvements. The key words being "what they the BOE qualifys as capital improvements" I have been to enough meetings to know that the BOE can play plenty of word games as to what would qualify as a "capital improvement". Just like the way they play with the budget numbers. I do not trust them with another so called "fund" . Let see if we did not give the teachers a raise a few months ago we would of had a 1.7 million dolllar surplus with the proposed budget. We could of actually used that to repair the buidings. Too bad no one on the board thought of that one

  7. Prop#2 will cause your taxes to go even higher Beware of Prop#2 and vote NO on Prop#2 and NO on the BUDGET. Let us show the PCT and the BOE that we have had enough with the reckless spending of the BOE and the careless demands of the PCT who only care about the almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$
