Friday, October 30, 2009

PTA, Represent the Other Group in Your Membership

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Does The PTA Fit In the Negotiations?":

We should expect that the parent board members have the same voice that the teacher members do. The teachers have taken their stand against the community, the parents and especially the children and that is within the PTA group many of them belong. It is time for the PTA board members to step up now for the families of our community. The teachers have used the PTA and refused to take part in events to raise funds for the kids such as The Wizard's game. What type of message does that send to our kids? More importantly since they continually bring up other communities, all are completely correct about other district teachers having more responsibilities and it is time we have the same commitment from our teaching staff.


  1. SNOPES: FALSE::""The teachers have taken their stand against the community, the parents and especially the children""----How untrue-The teachers have not voiced anything against the community, parents or children-They want to negotiate-The Board will not!!!!!!Do not start another rumor!!!!

  2. actions can be as much of a voice as words! They exclude the parents or invite them in based on their negoitiations, they ban PTA events, they refuse to hang kids work or at least the bare miinimum based on what is forced upon them. RUMOR? I think not. That is all fact. Another fact, they didn't even attemp to come to the parents in a reasonable way to ask for our support. It sounds like the teachers don't want to negotiate with parents, that is for sure.
