Monday, October 26, 2009

This is What High Plainview Taxes are Paying For?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Chair people Should Call the Shots on Textbooks for...":

they use

basic subscription is $19.99 a year - and figure 20 kids in the class - so it is less than $1 a kid - for ALL subjects - what a bargain -it's even cheaper for a school license - 19.99 for the first 10 teachers and then 14.99 afterwards for each addtl teacher - that's like $2 a class or 10 cents a kid for the first ten classes!

is this what Stratford is using instead of workbooks that the other schools are buying? Is this how they are keeping costs down - online generic materials - or do teachers do this on their own?

the FAQs says the site is good for busy teachers, parents, homeschoolers, supplemental help

reviews seem OK

Nothing says edhelper aligns with NYS standards or is specific to a grade - work ranges over at least 2 grades, sometimes 3 grades

I'm paying high Plainview taxes so my kid can get prepared for the ELA with generic online materials??????? while other kids on the same grade are using grade specific NYS aligned workbooks??????

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