Friday, December 25, 2009

Tentative New 2 Year Contract?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Mr. Rosenfeld..":

Happy holidays to all the people in Plainview. By the way the BOE and the PCT have agreed in principle to a new two year contract:)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dear Mr. Rosenfeld..

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Private Mailing Lists Have Been Breached":

Mr. Rosenfeld
Are you listening? Where did you get the mailing list from? Looks like you have a mailing list that is the property of the Plainview-OldBethpage School District, not the PCT!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Private Mailing Lists Have Been Breached

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'm a Union Member....":

Where did the PCT get a mailing list of parents of children enrolled in the District? For those that do not know, this mailing was not to the entire community.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm a Union Member....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Would We Be Without the Teachers Union?":

I'm a union memeber and I've gone up to 3 years without a contract. But I have been told by my union to continue to act professionally and do my job as I have always been doing it and let them get the contract. Maybe you can answer who suffers with the following being done?
- Wearing black as in being in mourning
- Wearing butttons with Plainview and a froun
- Not hanging up childrens work in rooms, hallways, display cases
- Not participating in school activities, like the Harlem Wizards Basketball.
- Not preparing college recommendations
- Not inviting class parents into the classrooms after certain events.
- "Informational picketing" !?
I don't think this is "professional". There must be a bunch of former PATCO memebers in this union.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The PCT is Acting Unprofessionally

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Would We Be Without the Teachers Union?":

The reason why the PCT would be acting unprofessional is simple. If employees at a business were to go on strike, would they go to the owners house and picket in front of his children coming home from school ? no they would not because children should not be involved. Teachers walking around with buttons on their clothing with "no contract". What purpose does that serve when children are the only other people in the school besides the union members? You do not get the children involved. The second reason is that when unions are negotiating for higher wages , a good union normally bases their demands on the needs of the members , the ability of the employer to pay, and the effect the demands will have on the public at large. That given, the union does not appear to care for the ability of the school to be able to pay and for the ability for the residents who may be unemployed, lacking the money to pay their taxes etc The unions only concern seems to be "we deserve more money" regardless of the economic downturn that has been disastrous for some.

Is There a Math Wizzard Out There?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Expectations Must Be Realistic":

What is meant is this. Due to the economic downturn where millions of people have lost there jobs and the fact that the boards attorney stated in a meeting that the school district is estimated to have a 5 million dollar deficit in 2 years if we do not give the teachers a raise and a 7 million dollar deficit if we gave them a raise in 2 years due to the anticipated pension increase that we will be forced to pay. That is a fact. Where are we going to get this money from? the taxpayers who are already overtaxed ?
The board should of been looking for givebacks and at best should only be offering a contract with no raises at all. Maybe we have a math wizard on this blog who can educate us on how we are supposed to come up with the anticipated 5-7 million dollars that we have to pay to the state pension plan? We can not give what we do not have.You are right this could of been handled better by both sides. The PCT thought they would get some where by going public with their contract dispute. The effort appears to have failed as they have only angered parents who may have their own financial problems.

Where Would We Be Without the Teachers Union?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Expectations Must Be Realistic":

Why do you consider the PCT's stance to be unprofessional? I believe that the teachers have maintained a very professional attitude. I was witness to a teacher being cursed at while shopping at shoprite with his children, this teacher politly reminded the person that he was with his children, I was so moved that I went up to that teacher and appologized for the behavior of the other person. I am also a union member. the job of the unions is to advocate for their constituants, this is usually done through picketing. in closing, think about this. what would be the status of labor in this country if not for the protectoin and colective bargaining of unions? Do a little research into the labor movement and working conditions in this country prior to the existence of unions and you will see how they have benifited this nation. Before you go bashing the PCT think about what the status of education in our country would be like without teachers unions. The educated amoung us would rea;ize the importance.

No Retoractive Contracts

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Get Ready to Do This Again":

Make the teacher's new contract start from when they sign.
This would solve the threat of having to do it again so soon. The board should also demand that when the teachers do approve the new contract that's the time the raise should kick in, nothing retroactively. The teachers are getting paid are they not, they are just getting paid at the rate of their old contract.

You Can Always Run for the Board....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More Money, Regardless":

I too attend most BOE meetings. I disagree with your views of the BOE. If you think they "were looking at their watch to see what time they were leaving" I guess you do not know how much time these volunteers really give. While I am not a BOE member, I know for a fact they do not always leave when the public meeting ends, often having another meeting afterwards.

Of course if you think the BOE is doing such a poor job, you can always run for the BOE.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Expectations Must Be Realistic

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Board Members, What Happened?":

So you are saying that despite the fact that the BOE has "dont great things for our school" you do not want to vote for these board members because they were not rude to the teachers?

Come on. You are incredible.

The BOE made an offer to the teachers and have not made a counteroffer. The teachers took an aggressive stance. At no point did the BOE waiver and give into to threats, nor public displays.

Your expectations are not realistic. The BOE has to maintain these relationships, and has to balance that with fiscal responsibility.

I think the negotiations could have been handled differently by the BOE, but fault the PCT for taking this aggressive (unprofessional)stance.

The Board Does Not Back Down

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Board Members, What Happened?":

Anonymous, You have every right to vote for who you want to. You close out your comment by saying the Board does not have the courage to say no to the teachers, we are where we are at because they're not letting the teachers bully them by responding with a NO. You name the board and then go on to say what they stand for, the only way to really know who and what on that board stands for is to call for a public vote by the board to see who represents the community! POLL THE BOARD ON WHO WANTS TO GIVE THE TEACHERS A RAISE!

The Tax Burden is Onerous

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time to Move....":

It's erroneous to hold teachers responsible for this tax increase. Patterson's decision just highlights the necessity of meaningful discussion about the tax structure. The burden on taxpayers is onerous, and that's a fact, regardless of your position on the contract.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Time to Move....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Merry Christmas From Patterson: School Aid Funds C...":

Well it looks like we are going to be paying even higher taxes. Let's see how the PCT will spin this one to further support his assertion that increased salaries won't have an impact on the finances of this district. Looks like in the near future I will be paying over $20,000 per year in taxes for my small split. Maybe it's time to move out of state.

This Stuff Shouldn't Be Such a Secret:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Out With the Old, In with the New":

He's right. Double dipping is a term used moreso when the public-employee dual payment structure is out in the open and "directly" drawn from the same or similar source(s).

The mechanism utilized here via payment directly (via pension) and indirectly (via 65,163 salary taken from teacher dues) provides much less transparency. However in reality, Morty's PCT salary is funded indirectly by your real estate taxes anyway. Those taxes pay teacher salaries and the dues for the PCT (his employer) are funded by those deductions.

This stuff shouldn't be such a secret. Since today, other non-profits post their financial statements online (they, like the PCT are required to make their form 990 financial information available for public inspection).

Morty's answer (earlier in this blog) was that a significant component of dues fund the state teacher union. Actually only $38,000 of the 414,000.00 in the organization's annual revenue was to the state organization. The rest pays Morty's salary of 65,163.00 and lots of other interesting expenses (i.e. $7,436.00 for "Parties", $2,955.00 for "officer expenses"). The assets are interesting too (i.e. $558,879.00 in cash/investments with over $25,000 in interest income). Seems like a lot of money to me, especially considering the amount in professional expenses incurred(only $12,093 legal expenses and 5,000 in accounting).

C'mon Mr. can't ask the board for transparency without exercising it yourself. When will you make YOUR organization's financial statements available for public inspection online?

Isn't the Board Saying No?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Board Members, What Happened?":

I am confused by this post. You are unhappy that the board has not outwardly said "No" to the teachers? While I suppose that is true, the BOE has not made a counter proposal. Isn't that exactly what the board is doing?

Don't you have to remember that there has to be some respect amongst the parties and to do as you say would do more damage.

And no I am not aligned with the teachers, actually agree with the BOE...

Merry Christmas From Patterson: School Aid Funds Cut this Week

Gov. David A. Paterson's announcement that the state will withhold school aid funds due beginning this week could result in some Long Island school districts raising taxes to cover their losses, officials said Sunday.

A delay in expected state revenue means some districts will have to borrow money to meet current operating expenses, the officials said. And borrowing money - typically by issuing bonds - will saddle districts with unplanned interest payments.

That, in turn, means either eventual cuts in service or property tax increases in next year's school budgets.

"We don't have enough in reserves to cover the end of the year," said Herman Sirois, the Levittown superintendent. "It absolutely is passing the problem onto our local taxpayers. It's just another hidden tax."

The withholdings will amount to 10 percent of direct aid to school districts and 19 percent of STAR payments districts are to receive from the state beginning Dec. 28.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Arrogance and Entitlement

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Get Ready to Do This Again":

this definitely is coming from a teacher. You should be ashamed for what has happened in Plainview . Teachers spoke with arrogance and a false sense of entitlement. You are entitled to nothing. Your supposed to earn what you get instead of guaranteed jobs and step increases. PCT should be short for Pathetic Crowd of Teachers

Dear Board Members, What Happened?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Get Ready to Do This Again":

Attention Board members:
Mr: Cepeda , I voted for you for some fiscal responsibility and accountability within the board. After changing the Math program it looks like you have given up on fiscal responsibility. I voted for you once and will not do it again when your turn comes up for re-election
Mr Bettan :The same with you . My vote for you is gone
Ms. Leiberman
Your work on the board is admirable. You have done great things for our school. Unfortunately you have lacked the courage to go up against the teachers. You have also lost my vote. Ms. Rothman, ms Bernstein,Pierno & Mrs Weinstein. All the programs you fight for are no good when we are unable to fund them. I will be voting at next election and will remember this current contract dispute we are having with the teachers because the Board does not have the courage to step up to the plate and say NO to the teachers

Time For New Board Members

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Have An Idea....":

In the Spring some Board members are up for re-election. We need to vote some of these members out.

What Happens?

nonymous has left a new comment on your post "Both sides Need to Listen":

This is certainly a thoughtful response to the situation. I am assuming that you are a teacher and appreciate your calm and peaceful way of describing this situation. Yes it is true that both sides need to come to terms with a situation that has gotten somewhat ugly. It would however show good faith by the teachers if they stopped wearing black and stopped wearing the pins. This perhaps would send the message that the teachers respect the parents as much as we are expected to respect them.

If both sides are to come to peace, each needs to make an effort to understand each other's positions. We do understand that teachers would like to be compensated like their peers, we would all like the same for ourselves. We understand that teachers too have financial issues. The parents would like to see that the teachers have heard us and understand that our vocal positions do not come from a lack of respect for the profession but a deep concern for our financial future. Yes we would like to keep our "best and brightest" but what happens when the district can't afford to pay them anymore will they pick up and leave for greener pastures? What happens when academic programs suffer because around 65% or more of the district's budget is dedicated to payroll? What will our our academic standing be when we are broke and with lack luster academic programming?

You Should All Really Get A Life Already

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We Can Get Past This":

I think this blog is sad. Written by residents of Plainview who for the most part know very little about the teacher negotiations, contracts, other districts and for the most part are just ignorant folks who just like to cause trouble because their own lives are miserable. Most of us moved to Plainview in part for the school district. I listen to people talk about Jericho scores being higher, nobody mentions that Jericho buses out special needs children and the ones they keep dont get standardized testing. Plainview special needs kids are included in those scores I'll bet nobody knows that Jericho officials came to the Plainview schools the other day to view our autistic children's program, why. Because they dont have one. I havent seen anywhere anybody mentioning that the teachers offered to simply role over their old contract with its whopping 2.5% increase, but the board said no. Newsday mentioned the other day that Jericho gave back sick days as part of there contracts, it didnt mention that before that Jericho teachers had practically unlimited sick days.

I dont agree with everything the union is doing, I dont agree with the way the school board has handled the situation either. But really, listening to some ignorant people of Plainview speak or just plain bash the teachers who taught your children how to read and write without absolutly any knowledge of any facts is just sickening. I listen to people say they are afraid to speak up because they are afraid that our children will be punished. It's probably more like you won't speak up because you have no real knowledge. You Should all really get a life already. How do you think this blog affects our community? New couples looking to start a family would certainly think twice about moving here if they were to come across this blog while surfing the net. How is that going to affect your property values? You wont have to worry about a tax increase, your taxes will continue to drop along with our property values. Not everyone in Plainview is broke. Plenty of MB's, BMW's etc in the Morton Village shopping center. Not every teacher is driving a Lexus. Most arent. Most teachers dont live in a bubble, most of them are married and have the same real life problems, mortages, taxes etc that the rest of us have.

No, I am not a teacher, just a concerned parent and Plainview resident who is tired of hearing about this already. Just negotiate a new contract and move on so we can all concentrate on more important real life issues.

Ed's note: It is my understanding that while we have children with learning disabilities from other districts being taught here, their academic scores are counted in the district they come from.

New Comment

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Great Negotiator":

Negotiator...or Instigator?

Out With the Old, In with the New

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers See My Children as Spoiled Rich Kids?":

Shame on Mr. Rosenfeld for allowing ONE person (himself) to head the teacher's union for over 25 years! He has created a situation in which it is virtually impossible for someone else to "take the helm". Instead of the PCT being a democracy, it is run like more of a dictatorship. I, too, do not want to see the union run by one of his clones. He brings attention to the fact that the superintendent is double-dipping (as a retiree with a pension AND as an employee of POB schools). Doesn't Mr. Rosenfeld do the same thing??? He is also collecting a pension while simultaneously "earning" a substantial salary from the PCT. Is this done in other districts on Long Island. SHOULD this be done in Plainview??? The primitive tactics used by the teachers (marching, wearing buttons, dressing in black) are truly outdated. It's time to negotiate a settlement with the board and get rid of the animosity that has developed between the teachers and the community. We need to adapt to the times and replace the OLD with the NEW (more optimistic, more approachable and more respectable)!

A Great Way to Teach Children About Compromise

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Don't Complain":

I am a teacher at the high school.

I LOVE my job and I feel that I am lucky to be able to teach in such a wonderful district.

I strive to get excellent results and I plan my lessons accordingly to achieve that goal.

I respect my students and they respect me.

I never bring any negativity from contract negotiations (or lack thereof) into my classroom.

I have written college recommendations ever since I became a member of the faculty. I am honored when one of my students asks me to write on their behalf and I take great pride in writing the best letters that I can. I have never turned away a senior who has asked me to do him/her this favor.

I give remediation to any student who requests it (past or present) and I am available more often than not.

I take pride in my job and I get offended when inaccuracies are reported or truths are distorted. I feel insulted when people attack my profession. It is ridiculous to think that any profession (doctor, lawyer, businessman, teacher) is exempt from "bad eggs". However, I know for a fact that the good ones outnumber the bad ones by a considerable margin!

My job does not begin at 7:15 and end at 2:23. I am constantly grading papers so that my students can benefit from prompt feedback. I must also spend time (usually at home) to create tests and worksheets. There is not enough time in the school day to contact parents, talk to students' special education teachers and guidance counselors, attend case conferences and CSE's, xerox dittos AND complete the previously mentioned tasks. Don't misunderstand me - I am not complaining, but rather stating facts.

I truly feel that the majority of the parents in this community value their children's education. We completed the second of POBJFK's parent-teacher conferences last night and EVERY parent that I met with was friendly, pleasant and responsive. There was no discussion about contracts and nobody left my room dissatisfied.

My wish for the new year is a settled contract. This lack of cooperation has gone on for too long. We need to set a good example for our students and show them that "where there is a will, there is a way". What better way to teach children about compromise than to show them that a settlement can be reached. It's time to have both sides sit down with the intent of hammering this out. Let's put forth the best of efforts and put this all behind us.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Don't Complain

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Says: There is Wisdom in Coming to an Agre...":

I am not a teacher but each year I have gotten between a 2 - 2.5% raise and this year I was told I wasn't getting a raise at all but I am lucky to still have a job. I am also a highly trained professional with a Masters degree and need to keep my credentialing with constant continued education but I do not get an guaranteed increase for each set of credits I take. I must rely on my 2-2.5% each year which really amounts to not much. You have been offered a raise this year and now will likely get more than was originally offered and have a guaranteed job. You are very lucky to be in that position, but you just don't see it. When the market was "rockin" I still made my same small increase. I am sorry I can't see it your way. You chose your profession for the perks it gave you and perhaps for the joy of teaching children. Don't complain about that, otherwise perhaps it is time for a career change.

Let Taxpayer Salaries Catch Up

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Says: There is Wisdom in Coming to an Agre...":

The reason why teachers should feel ashamed is because the residents of Plainview have suffered for years working longer and longer hours in some cases just to keep the job they have. We have endured endless demands from our bosses in such a way that if we were teachers we would say"no I can't work that extra 15 minutes or see that parent after 3 pm because I want more money for doing it" If teachers really believe they are worthy of more money then they should be willing to give up tenure so we can get rid of the bad teachers. And yes teachers are living in a bubble. Do you really think Grumman workers bitch and moan that Boeing workers are making more? I don't think so because they would be out of there in a second. At your current salaries you not be getting anymore than 2% so the residents can catch up to the teachers salaries

Lock Up and Hide Your Pets!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Get Ready to Do This Again":

Some teachers spoke with pride. Some spoke with sadness. But some spoke with anger. And sarcasm. And pot shots at the superintendent, BOE, parents, kids, the blog. Only pets were safe, it seems.

The Great Negotiator

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More Money, Regardless":

I wouldn't mind having Morty negotiate my husband's next job offer.

It's Too Late for Give Backs

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Have An Idea....":

It's much too late for the Union to realize anything. The Past boards gave out big raises without any givebacks at all. Wow what a negotiating ploy. The days of trying to get anything in return are behind us; how can the board get anything in return when they're asking the teachers to take 2% and 2.5%. Let me note that I'm fully behind the board's offer. Givebacks are unrealistic at this point.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Basic Supply and Demand

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Both sides Need to Listen":

The job market is not what you think it is -
Lots of applicants jobs with few jobs available(like teachers) means that the jobs don't need high pay. Few applicants with lots of job choices (like superintendents) mean inflated salaries

We Can Get Past This

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Both sides Need to Listen":

Great positive post - but a few comments.

There are people who have moved out of Plainview specifically because they were unhappy with the schools here.

There are people who have moved out of Plainview specifically because the tax burden was too high or they suffered economic loss. Some people have just aged out and Florida or smaller adult housing beckoned.

There are people who moved here specifically for the schools and the special needs programs.

There are phenomenal teachers in our district. Not all teachers have the same levels of expertise and sometimes the differences between classrooms is very noticeable.

There are teachers with Lexuses and Coach bags too. And there's nothing wrong with that. This is Long Island. We all want to look good and have a nice ride.

Retaliation happens. This is true for any school district and any organization.

Home values in Plainview are not what they could be. Different parts of Plainview are already more or less desireable because of the differences in performance of home elementary schools.

If you just look at Pasadena and Stratford scores we are significantly behind.

If you just look at Parkway and Old Bethpage scores we are doing very well.

Blogs aren't about resolving anything - it's just a forum for discussion and a way for the community to stay informed and get involved. Not everyone can make Board meetings or has the wherewithal to talk in front of a group.

Discussion between the Board and the Union is up to the Board and the Union. The community elects the Board to handle these situations. The Board doesn't send out surveys asking the community what they should do but at other Board meetings that teachers weren't at, the majority of the community seemed to be saying that they were OK with the Board's offer or that it needed to be trimmed.

Teachers who live in our community and pay taxes are supporting their own jobs. But if a teacher's taxes go up $500 a year, their salary increase more than covers that or they will break even.

Parents support their kids education and that's important to recognize but sometimes it's not by choice. After school tutoring centers teaching basic reading and math have become very popular. Paying teachers more money will not eliminate the problems with our curriculum.

Everybody makes sacrifices for their jobs that may or may not get noticed or compensated.

Not everyone in corporate America got raises when the economy was "rocking."

There are many in our community are on fixed incomes.

Plainview is a nice to community to live in and to work in. Centrally located, we have wonderful shopping, supermarkets, a great library, a JCC, doctors and a hospital, a not so bad commute to the city.

As a community, both parents and teachers, we have mourned the horrible and untimely loss of children and adults of our school district together.

We can get past this contract negotiation. We've gotten through worse.

Teacher Says: There is Wisdom in Coming to an Agreement

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Respect Goes Both Ways":

Why should we who teach in this district and also live here feel shame? It appears that the people of plainview feel that we ARE living in a bubble. I say this because other districts, both less well off than us and more well off than us, have seen the wisdom in coming to an agreement. the recession effects teachers and non teachers alike. Let me also say this to the last part of your post, during the last bargaining cycle when the times were better not one parent stood up and said that because rimes are good we should pay teachers more, we only got around 2-2.5%

Board Members, Where Do You Stand on the Contract?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Wake Up and Read Between the Lines":

Absolutely. The board members that are on the board the longest are the problem. They've been giving away the store! The wolves are in the hen house. We ousted Suozzi in a revolt now it's time to oust those that have been there the longest. Ms. Rothman and Ms. Lieberman where do you stand on the teacher's contract? Poll the board publicly see who really represents us.

More Money, Regardless

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Both sides Need to Listen":

Both sides are not listening !
The PCT President could care less about the residents . All Morty Rosenfeld knows is that he wants more and more money for his members regardless whether the money they get will force people to either move or work 12 hours a day to pay for it. The simple fact is that the teachers are greedy. They have no clue about the outside world where people work harder than they do only to lose their jobs at worst or lose any raises at best. Hello teachers , there is no tenure or step increases in the real world. The other side being the board : They do not seem to understand the economic climate out there that we are in. When are they going to wake up? That is anyones guess. The board may have good intentions. They may hear parents but they are not listening.I have been to the board meetings and have heard really smart parents get up and speak only to see the board look as though they were looking at their watch to see what time they were leaving. I hope the Board reads this blog ! I also just hope that residents will go to the voting booth when board members are up for re-election

To the PCT and Mr. Rosenfeld:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Have An Idea....":

My points are few and simple. I would like to see if a member of the PCT has the balls to answer it. They won't which is what I feel is a large part of the problem (Read that again Morty). Why do the members of the PCT feel the need to bring their battle to the classroom? Can a PCT member answer it? Who is in the school and classroom to see it?....Kids. And I mean the black mourning outfits, buttons, informational picketing, hanging of work, etc. Why not just let due process and an arbitrator settle the impasse. Why should I have to explain to my kids that their teacher really does like them? WHY ? Answer that and I will respect you. Maybe even agree with you. Until then, I think you're all evil.

And as for what I feel are a majority of POB parents, you're either pissed off like me, or pissed off because you want to sweep it under the rug and make believe there's no problem and try to make it better, and OUR school district better...Let's not talk about it or TRY to do something and it will "go away". I was at the board meeting. Where were the rest of you? The next BOE elections, I'm going to vote for anybody not there now. Anybody wonder how the PCT got the addresses of parents ? I do. And I want to know who gave it to them. I am actually glad that I got it, but it took a while for the dizziness to stop from the spin that was put in it.

Both sides Need to Listen

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers, You Must Have Realistic Expectations":

Dude, take a breath. I appreciate your heart felt opinions and feelings. This is the type of discussion that should occur between the board and the union - not between teachers and parents. It didn't start with day one, as you claim, it started in February, before the contract expired.

Plainview would like to continue to be considered one of the top districts on Long Island, as it is now. One of the reasons it is a top district is because the community is behind its students - that includes teachers and parents. High performance in the schools supports home values.

If Plainview falls significantly behind other districts in performance, home values will also fall. Failing to attract the brightest and the best may affect school performance and, consequently, the value of the community will be diminished.

If Plainview fails to pay commensurate with other districts, it will fail to attract the brightest and the best. Scores may fall based on the diminished quality of instruction. The community will still support their kids, but, expertise, or lack thereof, in the faculty will affect performance.

It's clear that these are difficult economic times. These difficult times affect teachers as well as taxpayers. After all, teachers are taxpyers in some community. Many of the Plainview teachers are Plainview taxpayers. Teachers have the same difficulties as the community - spouses losing jobs, tax increases, stock losses, etc... However, when the market was rocking, did the teachers get huge raises like the rest of corporate America?

It is wrong to point to the Lexus's, the Coach bags and the Calvin Kleins as evidence of parents ability to pay higher taxes. Just like it is wrong to assume teachers will retaliate against parents that speak out. Healthy discussion focusing on the issues is more healthy and desirable.

It is a complex situation and should be discussed by the experts. Pointing fingers and spewing incendiary comments is counter productive. Recognize that many teachers have many more years of service in the district than some of the more vocal opponents of the union. Many teachers will be here long after many of the residents move. Teachers and residents have a vested interest in the performance of the students in the district.

The union should also recognize that parents and taxpayers are an integral component of the success of the district. And, the district is highly successful. It has been a highly successful partnership. Both sides should be committed to continuing this successful partnership.

Everyone is hurting. Nobody has ownership of pain. Are union members greedy? No. Is the community devaluing teachers? No. Do both sides need to LISTEN? Yes.

I would encourage everyone to try to be positive and encourage the discussion between the board and the union. Nothing will be resolved here.


Editors Appology

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Were All the Complaining Parents?":

Please explain why my post was removed refering to the parent who was being disrespectful. why do you continue to post posts accuseing teachers of being disrespectful but when a parent is accused of the same then that post is removed? why?

Ed: A poster requested that a comment of theirs be removed as they preferred to resubmit one that was less charged with emotion. Evidently I removed the wrong one. Please accept my apologies. For the record, this is the first time any post has been removed. Please resend your original email and I will repost it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Have An Idea....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Get Ready to Do This Again":

Seriously, are you reading the posts!!! Obviously what the teachers think they presented and how it was interpreted by parents are two totally different things. When are the teachers going to start listening to us. When the union starts to realize their cushy days are over and that parents are no longer going to stand for teachers who do not deserve a job unconditionally and a pension then maybe we can get somewhere. I have an idea, maybe those good honest hard working teachers should start doing something about their colleagues who should not be in front of a classroom.

No Title Needed

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Would Never Take it Out on the Children":

Now that is hysterical!

Get Ready to Do This Again

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers, You Must Have Realistic Expectations":

The teachers did not speak with anger-they spoke with pride in all that has been accomplished in this district for such a long time. What is a shame is that the board is only willing (not willing) to negotiate a 2 year contract. So, unfortunately this town should get ready to go through this once again in the near future.

Teachers, You Must Have Realistic Expectations

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers See My Children as Spoiled Rich Kids?":

I attended the Board of Education meeting and was very saddened about the display I witnessed. Teacher after teacher spoke with such anger. As a parent it made me question if these feelings are spilling over into our classrooms. I wanted to speak that night and show the point of view of parents but I didn't. I feared that I might be lynched by the angry mob. Fear is the problem in this district.Parents who have spoken up have been referred to as "fringe" members of this community or "irresponsible members of this community" however the problem is more widespread than just the people who have spoken out. Many parents have not spoken up as they are fearful of retribution from their children's teachers.I guess I was naive to think that this is not true but from what I witnessed that night I now believe that this is the truth. It is a shame that parents should cower in fear from speaking up but silently seethe about being powerless to change what they feel is unjust. The teachers have a very strong union to protect their interests but what do parents have? We have to trust the Board of Education is looking out for our best interest but this does not mean that we should sit back idle and not let our voices be heard because we are affected by the decisions the union and board make. It is unfortunate that teachers are offended by what has been said but the union and teachers invited us in. The union sent us the first letter, they put those You Tube videos out there, they had the teachers dressed in black with pins and you ordered them to protest in front of the schools. Not us. At the meeting teachers spoke of not being respected for their hard work, well that is not true. Teachers are highly respected and that has been shown year after year in this community. The concerns people have echoed about the financial situation in our community does not demean their respect and admiration of our teachers.Parents speaking out about further increases in salaries is not a slap in their face.Financial reward is not our only means of recognizing their true efforts.Like it or not, choose to believe it or not but our district, our town, our county, our state, our country is in the middle of the hardest economic times many of us ever known. Many of us in this community are fearful of what the future holds for our finances. Rising taxes from a system that is flawed is a huge problem, accepting the situation, as some teachers had said at the meeting, as part on living on Long Island is a bigger problem. Now is the time to start changing a system that is flawed and start a road of economic recovery but we can not do that when we are continually asked to dig deeper into our pockets many of which are empty and have been for some time.A teacher at the meeting stood up and spoke about the luxury items many of the children come to school with and how disgusting it is for parents to say they can't afford raises but can purchase these items for their children. This teacher should be ashamed of herself for such a comment. Don't presume to know what is happening in people's houses when you haven't even peeked into their windows. It is scary to think that if a teacher can express such a view in public what must they be thinking about these children our children in private.
Many in this town are struggling financially. Are teachers so wrapped up in what they are owed that they are blind to what is happening around them. This situation has gotten ugly but it didn't need to be this way.Teachers pointed to the article in Newsday quite often but this problem started way before then. It started day one of school.We need a resolution to this matter that is fair to all sides but you must keep in mind that the well is running dry and you must be realistic in your expectations.

Respect Goes Both Ways

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers See My Children as Spoiled Rich Kids?":

I agree with this post. This mess has also left a very bad feeling in my gut regarding our school system. I wish I had the money to move, as do most of us now. Yet, there is something about the community as a whole that keeps us here. The teachers have ruined that for us. Shame on those of you who not only teach in this district but live here. The teachers are demanding respect yet are not capable of giving parents the same. For some reason the teachers think the residents of Plainview live in a bubble and are not coping with the recession. Maybe that is bc you cannot lose your jobs or have your pay cut.

Information Correction

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Last Nights Board Meeting ReCap":

The BOE and the PCT agreed to meet with a Mediator not an Arbitrator. The difference is a Mediator can only make suggestions, Arbitrators usually have some type of power to bind both sides to a decision.

Let Me Give You Another View

I was there. Let me tell you what I saw. -Teachers justifying their right to a raise, (When there are no other jobs available to them)
I heard teachers with children in the district exclaim what great teachers each one had.-No surprise there.
I heard teachers who work after they leave the building and run extra curricular activities for a very small additional sum.

Let me give you another view.
-I work in the private sector. I have been at my job for more than 20 years. I have gotten certifications on my own to make me a more valuable employee. I do not get a raise for this nor does anyone pay for the additional education- it helps me to keep my job. I work from nine to six, or seven or even eleven. Sometimes I have to work after dinner once I get home til ten or later and sometimes on weekends. None of this gets me a bonus or overtime monies. This is a white color job, and I give it my best no matter.
What my employer asks of me, is part of having the job. Last year I was layed off and my present job pays about 25% less than my previous employment, and yet, I am thankful to have it.
Teaching is an important profession and those that chose it know what the parameters of the job are. So I am curious why the teachers feel the need to point out all the special things they do that is a usual part of their job. Don't get me wrong. What you each do in the classroom is much appreciated and important and sometimes amazing,but that is what the job is about.
I assure you I never get a child's smiling face when I complete a job. -Mostly I get another client who has a new already late deadline.
I am not complaining, nor should you be, but I also wonder how in this economy,the teachers can feel comfortable telling their bosses that they don't have to do stuff, and that they deserve more. From those of us outside the union, our impression is one should be grateful just to have employment.The board agreed to give you a raise in a time when unemployment is at 10% high and (that is not including those like me who are underemployed)and you declined to take it, that is laughable.
I know three sets of parents who feel they are not treated equitably by our district because they spoke out in prior board meetings. I remain annonymous because I have seen this first hand. I applaud the woman who spoke out, regardless of what she said, she took a big chance.
I heard teachers last night referring to the designer handbag carrying taxpayers in Plainview. Firstly many of them by now have lost their jobs entirely to the banking collapse. Secondly this is the minority of Plainview a town with many more small three bedroom capes than McMansions.
While I agree that the board made the first mistake by not initiating the negotiations before the contract was up, I must also chastise the teachers for thinking that our town can support a raise at this time. Our taxes like every other year will go up again next year and this is regardless of the strike's outcome. -We will assuredly have a reduction in funds from the state as well as a huge deficit in funds to cover guaranteed pensions.
This fight has gotten ugly with bad decisions on both sides. However, Plainview is no longer a town of unlimited discretionary funds and while I appreciate that teachers work hard and deserve a raise, they need also to realize that taxpayers who arent' getting one, don't have it to give.

Teachers, Look In the Mirror and See What We See

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Says; Parent Was Disrespectful":

A letter to the teachers:
I was not at last nights board meeting but I think you need to really listen to and acknowledge the feelings and frustration of the parents in this district.

I understand that a great many hard working teachers feel they are entitled to a raise. The primary issue is not whether you deserve it but that the district and this community cannot afford it. By fighting and turning down what was offered you basically said to the parents of this district "I know that some of you are struggling economically but we do not care". I don't know but believe that is what that parent is reacting to. Could you imagine someone going into their bosses office and saying that firm across the street isn't hiring but the person doing my exact job over there is getting paid more so I should also. Another reality is that not all the teachers in this district are "good and hard working". I had one k teacher who taught on a pre k level, she was a lovely person, but taught nothing. I had another son at the k center who had a teacher who had been there for over 15 years was so burnt out she did nothing but degrade the children and yell all day. My third son, is there now and thank fully this one deserves the raise. Where do you think the money is going to come from. My children are not getting Christmas presents this year bc my husband has lost his job. How are we supposed to feel when these teachers wear black in all my childs photos, don't invite me into parties and are still getting paid for these actions bc they do have a secure well paying job. What about your neighbors whose houses are in foreclosure bc of the recession. We cannot afford the tax increases that will result with your raises and pensions bc of the inevitable state cuts and we have no where else to go. Just bc we are driving Mercedes, Acura's and whatever else do not underestimate the economic plight of this community. Please look yourselves in the mirror and try to see what we see.
Oh, and the reason me and my friends did not go to the board meeting was bc we all do believe that the teachers would take it out on our children. If you are insulted by this then instead of reacting maybe you need to take that second look in the mirror and ask why we believe this. I applaud the parent who had the guts to go to the meeting. I hope he runs for the board in the spring that is who need.

Teachers See My Children as Spoiled Rich Kids?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Would Never Take it Out on the Children":

I am sorry I saw the meeting quite differently. As a parent I am disgusted at what I saw at the meeting. It appears that our teachers do teach with a chip on their shoulder as they appear to feel victimized by our district and those parents that have bravely spoken out about these disastrous contract negotiations. The union from the get go had started the year out on a bad note and when parents spoke up about it, the union lashed out at them. This is a sad time for Plainview. I would like to wear black too, not in solidarity with the teachers but in mourning for the loss of trust in the teachers I once revered. Mr. Rosenfeld shame on you for bringing it to this point. You expressed that you are not concerned about who would succeed you when you retire given the display of words at the meeting. But I fear who will succeed you because they are clones of you. Hopefully one day the damage you have caused in our district will be repaired. For now though I have a pit in my stomach and a sadness in my heart because I leave my children in the hands of people who see them as spoiled rich kids whose parents don't want to pay up. How wrong these views are I don't think you will ever see because you sit in a bubble of academia. The real world doesn't have guaranteed raises and jobs and in the real world when you are told sorry you are not getting a raise this year due to the economy we don't picket and spew hatred. We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and go to work and try to make ends meet. It is apparent that you have manipulated your union members and their points of view by spinning the information you have shared with them to support your position. You have spit out numbers of raises from other districts but have you shared what the teachers in other districts have given up or even provided. NO, you haven't. You are upset that people have called the teachers greedy well having a long ugly battle for more money when a fair raise was put on the table is the definition of greed. I have loved and respected the people that have taught my children in this district they have all been kind and nurturing as provided a wonderful education to my children and for that I will always be eternally grateful, but I am also so disappointed by what I witnessed at the meeting that I don't know how to get past it. Think long and hard about what you caused, by your actions in the beginning of the school year you invited all of this strife. Remember we reap what we sow. Good luck to you Mr. Rosenfeld.

Taking it Out on the Kids

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Would Never Take it Out on the Children":

Taechers are taking it out on children by wearing those black "contract now buttons"

Kuddos to the Parent Who Spoke

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Was There ....":

I was there also and let me say(congratulations) that you have a lot more courage and nerve then some pathetic parents who do not have the nerve or courage to show up at a board meeting. The next blogspot should be

Another Opinion of the Board Meeting

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "My Take On The Board Meeting-Stop the Pettiness":

First of all when I moved here my taxes were not that high. The reality is that the teachers are Greedy. All they care about is themselves and there wads of cash that they are getting for working 8:30-3:30 while the parents work 12 hours a day to pay the taxes. This is not about pettiness , it is about greed and more greed. Teachers on long island are overpaid. Get rid of tenure, they do not deserve it. Get rid of step increases . Who gets a raise for just being there? If you think the parents want labor peace, you are kidding. The sad part is that there are alot of parents who don't have the nerve or courage to come to a board meeting and speak up. Ask parents what they think about teachers without giving there names and you will get the real answers. These pathetic teachers walk around like prima-donnas with there overpaid salaries and benefits to which they do not deserve. When New york ends up like California with mountains of debt that can not be repaid I hope the Teacher pensions will be the first to go. Pettiness is someone looking at you the wrong way. Greed is teachers demanding money that will drive parents out of here and further erode the value of homes. Teachers should go home feeling guilty about the way they are shafting parents, but they will not due to there arrogance with a feeling of entitlement That is my take on the board meeting. I know one thing for sure is that I will never vote yes for any future school budget or to re-elect any board member.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Teachers Would Never Take it Out on the Children

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Were All the Complaining Parents?":

Do you REALLY think teachers would punish the children if their parents showed up enmass at a board meeting? You weere there. Did you listen to the teachers, hear their hard work, and view their integrity? Even ;if you do not want the treachers to have a contract, you still should have felt pride in your district, and the education your clhildren receive.

My Take On The Board Meeting-Stop the Pettiness

nonymous has left a new comment on your post "Last Nights Board Meeting ReCap":

how I see things...a non-teacher’s perspective...

it costs a lot to live on LI and taxes are high

we pay high taxes for our school systems and we knew that when we moved here

but we made that choice and sacrifice for high quality education

like any system, education in our district can use some improvement

teachers recognize this and have worked to make positive changes - math, IB, etc.

teachers live here too so they have high costs and high taxes also

union contract negotiations can be rough during the best economic times

contract negotiations could have begun earlier to reach a settlement so there would not have been a lapse in contracts

there is never any perfect economic time or certainty about the future so that wasn’t a good reason to postpone contract negotiations

school district business needs to be handled efficiently as possible - that means taking care of obligations, especially to the largest group they are comprised of - the teachers

the BOE is saying it's not about being teachers being deserving of getting paid more money - it's about being the community being able to afford and sustain the raises - and the subsequent effect of the raises on future pension costs

teachers are saying we're deserving and as much as we may love our jobs we're doing this because we need what's in our paycheck

the process should not be emotional or sidetracked by events that are emotional so I'll leave all that out

even with the best intentioned administrators, education won’t get better without support of the teachers in planning and implementation

lets stop the pettiness of what’s gone on these past few months and get to the business at hand – settle the contract and put the focus back on education

Thanksgiving Happened in Various Rooms Everything Else Was Additional

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thanksgiving: What's the Truth?":

Yes. Celebrations happened in the various rooms. There was a display board of pictures of them. In fact, one of the parents who organized the AFTER SCHOOL event even spoke and said they NEVER meant it to replace anything in classroom, but as an ADDITIONAL. Another example of newsday skewing the info.

I Was There ....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board Meeting This Monday Nite ..GO!!":

I was there - where were you? Where was everyone else??

Last Nights Board Meeting ReCap

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tonite's Board Meeting -Get There Early":

BOE meeting summary:

The BOE and PCT are going to use an arbitrator to settle things (unless something changes since PCT members repeatedly asked the Board to resolve things with them directly)

There were a few hundred teachers and about 40 or so parents - about 2 dozen teachers spoke about: their hard work and dedication and gave personal examples, high cost of living on Long Island, didn't like the Newsday article, reporter John Hildebrand is a liar, Thanksgiving did happen at the K Center and showed pictures, they have been writing recommendations, this blog is horrible, the kids of teachers that live here have had great educational experiences, it was rude for the website that posts salaries of teachers to have been sent around town, superintendent should be focusing on other things besides bulletin boards and class parties, the district wastes money on consultants, the contract should be for longer than 2 years

Husband of a teacher who has lived in the community for 50 years said there will always be issues like state budget cutbacks when contracts are being negotiated

Two former students spoke about teachers who made a difference in their lives

a parent asked how PCT got her address for recent mailing and wanted to know why only parents got the PCT mailing and not all community members who are taxpayers and wants a full investigation by the BOE about this

Thanksgiving: What's the Truth?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Newsday- Yellow Journalism":

Did Thanksgiving happen at the KCenter or not?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Newsday- Yellow Journalism":

In our class the parents provided the stuff for the feast. Same for many other classes. Get your facts straight.

Where Were All the Complaining Parents?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tonite's Board Meeting -Get There Early":

This blog is a joke. I was one of the VERY FEW parents who attended the Meeting tonight. I am dead-set against the contract that the teachers are going to get. Yet NO ONE showed up tonight. The parents were outnumbered 10-1 tonight. I don't want to hear a peep any longer from ANY Plainview parent. I was hung out to dry by my friends and neighbors. Parents who were afraid to attend for fear of retribution, guess what, if we had the same # of parents, or more than they did of teachers, they couldn't punish ALL of our children. The parents of Plainview are spineless. I was cursed at by a teacher for voicing my opinion and had no one to back me up! I think this blog should be abolished as it serves no purpose other than as a bitch-fest! Grow up and get a grow a set of balls!

Wake Up and Read Between the Lines

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board- What Happened to Fiscal Responsibility?":

Don't vote for anyone who is supported by the union! You don't think they're in the pocket of the Union, think again. Who did the union and it's members throw their support behind? Someone who's been there for a long time Wake up and read between the lines!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tonite's Board Meeting -Get There Early

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board Meeting This Monday Nite ..GO!!":

Get there early . I hear that there will be alot of residents attending the meeting.Notices were put up in the library and a few supermarkets around town as well as some telephone poles on the streets

Ed's note: Administrators building on Washington Avenue (Mattlin) 7:45 Main Conference Room.

Board- What Happened to Fiscal Responsibility?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To the Board: Your Responsibilities:":

With regard to the boards responsibilities:
How can they even think of offering the the teachers a raise when the schools attorney stated at a board meeting that we would be in a hole for 5-7 million dollars in 2 years due to the rising pension costs. I do not believe that the board is acting responsibly in the best interest of the community and the children. For years we have seen the parkway school outperform stratford rd for years . What has been done about it ? Then we had the debacle with the last superintendent who promoted his math because he wrote a book on it which was a huge conflict. What did the board do about that for years ? They only did something when the board members were afraid of getting voted out. Even then some board members lost. The new members ran a campaign on fiscal responsibility in the last election. What happened to fiscal responsibility? They should of been looking for concessions in this contract . We need more accountability in our board. Hopefully we will have some candidates for the spring election of board members

Newsday- Yellow Journalism

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Over the Top and Out of Touch":

you mentioned that some school district out there get less sick days then Plainview and are paying more health care then Plainview. If this is true then don't you think Newsday should have published that. you can't trusr Newsday togive any strait talk about this subject. When you made your point about give backs you forgot to mention that many times over the past negotiation cycles the PCT has negotiated give backs. But the key word is negotiate, unless the board is willing to negotiate then there can be no give backs. Other districts had the forsight to negotiate, why not Plainview? As for those feasts in the K center, a good portion of the money that was used in the past to pay for thise feasts came out of the teachers pocket. Does it seem fair to you that superindendent of schools should mandate those expenditures in a time when teachers are with out a contract just to satisfy past traditions?
I think that the article is a piece of yellow journalism and as a member of this community I am urging other members of the community to boycott Newsday until they either fire the education editor or force him to print the whole truth.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Board Meeting This Monday Nite ..GO!!

Please attend the Plainview Old Bethpage School District Board of Education meeting this Monday night at 7:45 in the conference room of the Administration Building, (Mattlin). Hear what is going on,See where your tax dollars are going, Speak your mind, Support your community.

Where are the Department Heads?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What do You Expect From a High School Education?":

You raise an interesting point - how could it be that one teacher gives one test in a marking period and the majority of the department is giving 4 or 5 tests?

There are Department Chair-people for each subject who make hefty salaries who should be overseeing that this sort of thing isn't happening.

You're absolutely right about all people not performing at their highest level when there are no consequences for their actions.

Teachers are given a lot of freedom here - but there should be basic non-negotiable requirements for every grade and subject.

To the Board: Your Responsibilities:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We Need to Take Our School District Back- This is ...":

The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to the community which they are doing their best to uphold by not allowing union actions to pressure their position. There are some in the community who feel the Board's offer is still too generous and expensive to support. Those voices should be heard and considered while the contract is open.

The idea of adding early morning elementary help has been raised and needs to be considered as well. There would be a cost associated with this however unless it is examined and discussed it should not be disregarded.

More parents should get involved and be informed at the BOE level. Only by being active will we have the schools that we want.

Plainview is No Island

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It Doesn't Add Up":

Why is it that Plainview is to be considered an island. Are we to assume that Huntington? Cold Spring Harbor? Wyandanch? East Meadow, etc. residents DO NOT face similar property tax burdens. The system for funding public schools is clearly broken. It needs repair. To isolate Plainview as the sole community suffering is a disservice to the wider issue.

Teachers Over the Top and Out of Touch

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Newsday is Biased":

Syosset teachers agreeing to pay more for health care than they have under their last contract is still something that happened in their district. Same for them having less sick days. And this is worthy of being printed in Newsday since union workers don't usually give up any benefit they have already bargained for.

There is some school district out there whose teachers are getting less sick days than Plainview and paying more for health care than Plainview.

You can't compare apples to oranges.

There are no givebacks in benefits being asked in Plainview, only a raise that the taxpayers can ill-afford in a bad economy and the union feels is not enough. Newsday got that right.

The same Newsday article reported that teachers in the K Center didn't hold Thanksgiving feasts like they have in the past. The PTA held something after school for the kids. There was no mention of any other district eliminating traditions during their negotiations or as a result of givebacks.

This article shows Plainview teachers to be over the top and taking unreasonable actions. This article supports the Board of Ed's agenda to hold fast to their negotiation offering by showing that compared to other Long Island school districts, ours is out of touch with reality.

PCT: We Have Little Violins Playing My Heart Bleeds For You

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Latest Letter From the PCT is a Joke":

The PCT should be embarrassed for the letter they sent out. Maybe in the next contract they should ask for crying towels !

It Doesn't Add Up

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Newsday is Biased":

I think newsday did not go far enough to show how Plainview residents are getting shafted by the school taxes they pay.

For Your Consideration

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "5 Year Contracts for Plainview Teachers?":

Wore mine for P/T conferences.

Want the Press at the Next Board Meeting? Email-

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Accept Smaller Raises__Yeah PTA__Step Up a...":


This is the name and email of the newsday reporter that was at the last board meeting when very few people showed up & also the author of the newsday article today. If everyone who reads this blog emails John Hildebrand and asks him to come to the next board meeting because we will all be there then he might show up with a camera crew like he did at the last meeting . We need to get more press time about this issue for us to get anywhere.

Latest Letter From the PCT is a Joke

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New Formula for Salaries":

Why continually point out that teachers are responsible for 20+ children? In every job a person has responsibilities whether it be kids or a staff of two or a hundred who depend on them for a job well done and their families well being. I'm sorry but in no other industry have I seen such childish behavior for the job that you yourself choose. Personally, the latest letter from the union was a joke. A substitute teacher making 130.58 for a days work is darn good, and a nurse making 250-300 a day, also darn good. The latest school letter from the PCT says parents may feel victimized by property tax burdens. The truth is we feel victimized by the PCT. Lets also point out that you keep referring to babysitter rates. A babysitter does not get benefits, or career growth, they have no protection in an economy going bust, they have no retirement, pension, no job security, and for the most part all their jobs are temporary and if used full time a weekly wage is most likely given that very few could live on, not an hourly wage. Stop all the comparisons to other districts, other teachers, other industries, and even to a poor teenager earning some cash.

We Need to Take Our School District Back- This is Far From Over

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Accept Smaller Raises__Yeah PTA__Step Up a...":

Now is the time to step up to the plate!!
We need parents and more parents at next weeks board meeting to speak up. Even if you do not want to speak, just by attending the meeting you will show the Board that the parents are not "cooling off" as they were quoted as saying to Newsday. I plan on attending and speaking as I did in prior meetings. This issue is far from over and we need to take our school district back from the control of the PCT.

Publish this comment.

What do You Expect From a High School Education?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "5 Year Contracts for Plainview Teachers?":

I find it very hard to believe that you would have taken the same exams that your aunt took 30 years ago. You must be mistaken. Not only is it difficult to believe that your aunt could actually remember a particular exam from her high school days, but the possibility that you might have had any of her teachers (who probably retired by the time you were there) is very slim. When you say "the best isn't good enough", what exactly do you mean? What is it that you expect from a high school education? POBJFK offers a great variety of classes, numerous extra-curricular activities and an environment conducive to learning. You may not have found relevance in the projects or homework you were assigned, but I'm fairly certain that the teacher (adult) who prepared the lessons for your classes believed that you would learn something as a result of completing these tasks. We all know that projects and papers are not announced a few days before they are due. It is more likely that procrastination was the cause of the perception that these "big" assessments were not given with ample time to complete them. Do not be mistaken - the students are the top priority at POBJFK. Although the tenure system is not perfect, its main purpose is to prevent teachers from being fired for no reason. It is the job of the administration (department chairpeople, assistant principals, principals, assistant superintendents and ultimately the superintendent) to insure the community that their faculty performs to the best of their ability. If they do not observe new (and experienced) teachers often, then there is no accountability. Teachers should be willing to have an administrator enter their classroom to observe a lesson at any time. It is then the responsibility of the administrator to write up an accurate report of the interaction between the teacher and his/her students. There must be standards for each department that are enforced. It shouldn't be the case that 1 teacher is giving 1 test in the same marking period that the majority of the department is giving 4 or 5. It is ignorant to believe that people will ALL perform at the highest level possible, when there are no consequences for their actions. It is crucial for administrators to do their jobs so that the faculty can be comprised of effective teachers. Make no mistake - although the union defends its members that are tenured - there would be fewer "bad apples" IF they were weeded out by the people whose job is to keep the students as their top priority.

Newsday is Biased

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Even After the Settlement, This Topic Will Not Die...":

Newsday is not a neutral source. The article plays fast and loose with the truth. example, it mentions that syosset agreed to give back sick days. what it fails to mention is that syosset had unlimited sick days in the last contract and still ahs more allowed days then plainview. it also mentions that syosset agreed to pay more for their health care but fails to mention that they still pay less then plainview. They also neglected to mention westbury's new contract. Newsday has an agenda and that is yo sell papers, it is in the best intrest of the paper to continue printing inflamatory articles filled with diversions.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

5 Year Contracts for Plainview Teachers?

a more recent JFK grad has left a new comment on your post "Put the Blame Where it Should Be":

I attended POBJFK within the past ten years and had my personal share of good teachers, and awful ones. I battled for years with some teachers, and spent hours talking and learning from others. What good I came away with from JFK, was truly great. I learned Leaves of Grass from M. Rosenfeld himself.

However, I experienced many days in a classroom with educators who were far too young, or perhaps immature, or under-qualified to manage a classroom. I sat in the exact exams that my aunt had taken 30 years earlier when she went to JFK. I had teachers who forced projects upon us with short notice and little relevance to coursework.

The performance of a teacher should be the concern of the entire faculty, administrators AND teachers. I want the best education whatever institution I attend has to offer, but sometimes the best is not good enough. Step it up, or back down. Understand that it's not necessarily a personal attack, but the desire for reassurance of the best possible education.

At the end of the day, the top priority should always be the students. Tenure places the well being of a teacher above that of a student, and in a very permanent position that can be detrimental to a students education. Perhaps instead of a lifetime job offer, we should give them 5 year contracts like they do on the NY Yankees...

Board of ED: We are Not Cooling Off.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Accept Smaller Raises__Yeah PTA__Step Up a...":

"...Tempers seem to be cooling off"

Not in MY house that's for sure!
If the Board of Ed thinks that, they better get the wax out of their ears. Parents are talking about this all over town, very few are satisfied with teacher's behaviors or the board's. Many think the union has pushed to far and want the board to take the offer back completely.
If anything, this Newsday article will raise the buzz and the temperature. I heard the press was at the last meeting, I hope they come again.

New Formula for Salaries

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Accept Smaller Raises__Yeah PTA__Step Up a...":

Most people work approximately 230 days out of the year not counting being out sick for 8 hours a day which equates to 1840 hours. Teachers work approximately 180 days a year not counting being out sick for 6.5 hours a day which equates to 1170 hours a year. Plus you need to add in the staff meetings once a week that run about 1-2 hours long as well as open house for 2-3 hours and parent teacher conferences for 6 hours a year. So now you are at approximately 1240 hours a year, and don’t forget all the work, shopping for school supplies and phone calls to parents which all takes place after working hours. For argument sake lets add on 5 hours a week times 40 weeks for 200 more hours. Now they work 1440 hours a year. So they work 400 hours less a year than the average worker but when they are at work they are responsible for 20 plus children for those 6 ½ hours. Here is a new formula I think is fair to use to calculate their salaries.
Number of kids (23) x 6 ½ hours for 180 days at a low end babysitter rate of $10 per hour = $269,100 a year. High end babysitter $14 per hour = $376,740. So now they should be complaining that they are grossly underpaid!!!!!!!! The only way to get out of the economical mess is to educate the future of this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a teacher just someone who understands reality.

Teacher Accept Smaller Raises__Yeah PTA__Step Up and Talk

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To the Editor, From the Editor":

Article in today's Newsday:

Economy forces some LI teachers to accept smaller raises

includes how other districts came to agreements (including Syosset give backs of fewer sick days and paying a higher share of health insurance) and how there has been a "flare up" between parents and teachers in Plainview but district officials say "tempers are cooling off."

The teachers have certainly "flared up" - or exercised their freedom of speech rights - depending on whose talking but parents have remained quite civil trying to salvage the year, smiling at back-to-school night and parent/teacher conferences, supporting PTA and classroom events, airing their comments at Board of Ed meetings and often including positive statements about good experiences they had with the schools in the past.

The article mentions KCenter PTA doing an after-school Thanksgiving party since teachers didn't do their regular class room holiday celebrations.

How was that in keeping with the supertendent's letter in October telling teachers to do whatever they have done in year's past?

Bravo to the PTA for putting the kids first and maintaining a tradition in an out-of-the-box way. A big thumbs down to teachers who eliminated a classroom experience from our littlest and most vulnerable students.

Someone needs to talk about this at the Board meeting this coming Monday.

There is a Seat For Everyone!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Next Board Meeting....":

see you there-save me a seat!

Even After the Settlement, This Topic Will Not Die

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To the Editor, From the Editor":

Why wouldn't the blog post information pertaining to a major conversation on the blog - teacher salaries? Both parents and teachers are blogging about them. The information is from a neutral source - Newsday. It's helpful that you point out that the info is 5 years old but that doesn't mean it's not useful. I'm not sure how a link to a chart of information is inflammatory.

The union opened up a can of worms when they put the negotiations in the public eye. Union actions have gotten the attention of the community and the community has responded. The popularity of this blog, the attendance at Board meetings, emails have been flying around town since September with all sorts of things including the link for SeeThrough NY to get actual current teacher salaries. So long as the union is keeping a high profile about negotiations, the topic will continue to be of high interest. Even after a settlement this topic will continue to be referenced. Actions speak louder and inflame more than outdated charts of salaries.

Protected by Tenure

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Put the Blame Where it Should Be":

The top administrator - the superintendent - couldn't get teachers to re-invite the parents back in for Halloween parties - he had less than a 50% success rate since his letter was ignored by the KCenter, Stratford and Pasadena staff. We all know who didn't follow the directive and there hasn't been anything done - because the teachers are protected by tenure!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Put the Blame Where it Should Be

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure Can There Be Change?":

Then blame the administrators for not doing their jobs, not the teachers

To the Editor, From the Editor

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teach Every Child, Then I'll Support the Union":

to the editor,I left a post recently regarding the fact that the information that you posted under "teacher Pay-Average and Median", asking you why you posted information that was almost 5 years. strange that you didn't post my question! maybe it's because you are seeking to twist peoples opinion. I also asked you why you would post something in the upper left of the blog which stated the opinoins different from yours are not worthy of being taken seriously.that sounds a little self serving.

Ed's note: To the writer above: The scores are from 2008. The teachers salaries compiled are Newsday's most recent.(Perhaps you should drop them a corrective missive as well!).You can find a link that had been at the top of the page for several weeks in the, "Links You Should See" section; which lists all current teacher salaries for NY State. You are welcome to do research and send correcting information in the future instead of whining and pointing fingers.

The content of this blog is almost 99% submissions at this time, and are posted both as comments and as posts. There are very few submissions that are trashed. If you feel I am not presenting your opinion or one that is slanted you are entitled to be wrong. (it is MY BLOG after all)- and feel free to create your own blog at

The upper left hand corner's post I believe was intended to quell such posts as yours. It clearly does not say anything about anyone else's opinions it merely states that people who do not appreciate the fact that I started and continue to maintain this are not worth being taken seriously. Based on comments received from teachers as well as taxpayers (including Mr. Rosenfeld, of the PCT) very few have objected to a slant or bias and have used this site frequently to post their opinions.
This is not a pissing match, I will no longer post or respond to: challenges to the site, bias, adolescent complaints about spelling, or grammar. I will not post anything that is offensive or obscene. I will no longer post anything that says, "I challenge you to print this," or it's ilk. This is not a pissing match.

To those who are concerned that all this free talk is effecting the value of your property, you are right, in the long run it will improve your values. Ignoring problems will only exacerbate them, much like a leaky roof. Do you think raising taxes and not improving schools will raise the value of your property? Until a year or so ago the board,administrators and the teacher's union went virtually unchecked by parents and taxpayers alike and that is how we got into this mess.

I welcome the wide range of ideas, opinions and information intended to resolve ongoing issues for the betterment of our schools and our community. I will continue to post as many submissions as I see fit. I will not address these challenges again.

-A special thanks to those who attend board meetings, it is important to show up, voice your opinions and make a difference, this blog can only go so far.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Teacher Work Slow Down?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Their Job is to Teach, Regardless":

I've been hearing that some teachers are assigning less projects this year. Grading takes time - less projects, less to grade so this fits in with the "do less since we don't have a contract." Since teachers all assign different things there is no easy way for the district to figure this out unless they had a way to compare year to year for each particular teacher but I don't think they track what each teacher does.

Any thoughts on this?

The Next Board Meeting....

There is no Board Meeting this week.
The next POB Board of Ed meeting is on December 7th

The Mud is Flying

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Everyone Should Just Play Nice":

Mud is slinging all over this blog - from all directions. Hopefully the true problems will rise to the top and get resolved. Until then, happy Thanksgiving, to all. Parents, teachers, union, non union, BOE, and even administrators.

Tenure Can There Be Change?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure, There Must Be a Better Way":

The only answer is to get rid of the tenure system. The only job in the country that gives tenure is the United States Supreme Court. Are teachers that high and almighty that they deserve tenure ? No. Like any profession or job there are bad teachers in our district. If a teacher gets enough complaints then the administrators just move the teachers around from school to school

Union Free?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why not a Union Free District?":

There are 124 school districts on Long Island. NONE are union free.

Their Job is to Teach, Regardless

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Set the Example, Then Ask for Money":

No where did anyone say that we in Plainview wanted to be like Syosset or Jericho. Envy is a horrible thing to carry. The bottom line is regardless of the academics, teachers are over compensated. The demand more money for what? doing what they are paid to do. They do not work on commission. Their job is to teach our children to the best of their ability not teach them so much and then demand more money. Maybe the reason our children do not score as well is not the teachers fault, but the administrators and the board who set the curriculum, goals , and agenda for our schools.

Why not a Union Free District?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Take it Or Leave it.":

Why can't Plainview be a union free district, then they are not bound to a union contract? This is reponse to the 1st comment. I'm not saying that should happen. Some say Plainview's schools aren't good, I disagree. Can it be improved, yes, but overall our children do recieve a good education.

I do think the board should negotiate at this point but with the goal to improve education in Plainview. Its not good for the anyone in the community for this to continue. Possibly, lengthen the school day, provide after school help for elementary grades and definitely make an enforced, districtwide curriculum. Old Bethpage and Parkway performed very well on the ELA and Math assessment. I know Strafford Road has the self-contained classes. Can those students bring the scores down that much? Are more students in Parkway and O.B. being tutored? Or is it the teaching or the curriculum? I the board should be looking at what is being done differently and make changes accordingly.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teach Every Child, Then I'll Support the Union

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why is the Bar So Low?":

I too have a gifted elementary age child. Last year, his teacher connected with him, knew how to challenge him and provided instruction that met his needs as well as others of different levels of ability. This year the experience is sadly just the opposite. The instructional slant is in the direction of the those who achieve below average, leaving my son (and perhaps others) bored and unchallenged. Upon my initiation, she now gives him "challenging" work to complete but offers no instruction to match. It's almost as if he's supposed to teach himself.

She's a sweet young teacher who I truly believe has only good intentions. She's not trained nor is she (or the school) equipped to successfully reach all students.

I strongly believe every child deserves a superior education that meets his/her individual needs. There are other districts that fulfull this goal much more successfully than Plainview does. I've seen it.

When the school district as a whole takes measures provides instruction comparable to Syosset where I used to live that does not ignore any segment of the student population, I'll be happy to support the teacher's union.

Tenure, There Must Be a Better Way

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure":

The tenure system is flawed unfortunately. Although it protects people from getting released (fired) for no reason at all, it also protects those teachers who have clearly "lost it". There is a very minimal number of teachers who should not be left in a classroom alone with children. When there is an obvious problem, the union defends its members without considering that their member may be at fault. It seems as though paying union dues guarantees each teacher a "defense attorney" that will provide them with intense job security. It is because of this major flaw in the tenure system that it appears to fail. It costs more to begin the process to get rid of an incompetent employee (teacher) than to actually keep them on the payroll. There must be a better way!

Set the Example, Then Ask for Money

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Try and Find a Corporate Job....":

Anonymous post from a teacher under Try and Find a Corporate Job -
"If you want your community to be comparable to Syosset and Jericho, then why shouldn't your teachers be paid at similar rates to those teachers?"

For our community to be comparable to Syosset and Jericho our children's educational RESULTS would need to be comparable and our home values would reflect this as well. Overall Syosset and Jericho students outperform Plainview. Pick up a Plainview house and put it in Syosset or Jericho and it would instantly increase in value because of the reputation of those school districts. Show me my kids getting results like Jericho and Syosset and my home value increasing and I'll gladly wear a Contract Now button and march with you every morning.

It has been pointed out that other districts like Syosset have longer school days and more working days and therefore comparing salaries without taking this into account is not totally accurate.

If teacher salaries correlated to student achievement then its like saying that a teacher earning $106,000 per year gets your kid certain curriculum , a certain type of teaching and test results, and the same teacher earning $112,000 would get your kid more curriculum, better teaching and better test results.

That doesn't make sense. Especially if teachers are saying that they work hard, love their jobs, love our kids, etc. If teachers are doing their best then paying them more won't change anything for the students.

Advice to teachers - Change the bottom line and then ask for what you want. That's how it works in business. Our district is a $127 million dollar business. The community wants to see results in keeping with the per pupil spending we're doing. Listen to what parents are griping about and work to make it better. Strengthen your relationships with parents instead of antagonizing them. If the perception is that you are not doing your all - and rumors to that effect are starting to go around - then you'll never get the support of the community and you'll lose whatever trust you had.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Take it Or Leave it.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Just Settle This":

How about the board just tell the teachers this is what you get. If you do not like it there is the door. one small ad in Newsday and I bet the Board will be flooded with apps from qualified teachers looking for a job

Fair is Fair

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Everyone Should Just Play Nice":

I agree its unfortunate that the union chose there "freedom of speech" in a manner that could only agitate parents. As far as I'm concerned, unions were initially formed to protect workers from unfair and unsafe working conditions. What was meant by unfair working conditions was working long hours without compensation and wages that were severely low. This does not apply to the Plainview teachers. If you wanted to show solidarity, why didn't you speak at PTA meetings about your concerns or provide some other method that didn't directly involve the children?

I have three children, all went to Pasadena. Two are now at POB middle school and I have one in high school and I agree that teachers should not be ostricized for being part of a union and many do put on extra time. Overall I have been happy with their teachers.
That being said, I think the teachers make a good salary ( which most deserve, since that is the rate on the island) and should accept the POB's offer.

In Response

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Other Jobs To Compare....":

In response to the anonymous post that says:

"The Westbury board just wisely settled a 5 year agreement with salary increases of 2.5.%, 3%, 3%, 3% and 3% plus increment...Plainview will not be a desireable town to live in soon."

I don't know if having a 5 year teacher contract in uncertain economic times is wise or makes Westbury a more desireable place to live but at least the teachers there left negotations out of the classroom and focused on the kids instead of creating a freedom of expression free-for-all sideshow.

A Newsday article entitled "Back to School: Teachers Welcome Students to Class" ran on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 and highlighted:

Westbury's preschool program and kindergartners reading simple books by the end of the school year

Oyster-Bay/East Norwich superintendent using You Tube to communicate with residents

William Floyd using whiteboards

Commack teachers winning a $25K grant for playground equipment for disabled children


"In Plainview-Old Bethpage, district officials confirmed teachers picketed outside a school board meeting Tuesday over a contract dispute. Classes will not open there until Wednesday, however, and regional representatives of the New York State United Teachers union expect no strikes this week."

Again, Just the Facts
teacher pay comparison chart

Try and Find a Corporate Job....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "These Tactics are Being Used Because the Board Isn...":

The only thing the board should be blamed for is offering the teachers any raise at all. They are overpaid. If the teachers feel they are so underpaid then they should start sending their resume out now. The reason they will not is because there are thousands of teachers that would replace them in a second and be happy. The teachers should try to find a corporate job for the same pay they receive now and the same hours. They will not find one because nobody out side long island teachers get paid like that. The teachers are overpaid and spoiled.

Just Settle This

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Stop Screwing Around With My Kids":

Caustic atmosphere towards education created by parents. Hmm.

Education here is what it is. Did you think you could stir the pot without some of the ugly stuff on the bottom surfacing to the top?

Maybe you should wear your black outfits and Contract Now buttons when you do your errands and visit with family and friends on Thanksgiving. If you truly believe in your cause tell the world. Contact Newsday and News 12 and have them do a story in your favor. Don't just save your message for the classroom. Spread your good cheer around.

If negotiations are at a stalemate, get an arbitrator and settle.

Why is the Bar So Low?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Everyone Should Just Play Nice":

I have 2 children in elementary school at Pasadena. It has been my experience that the teachers do care, communicate with me and address my concerns for the most part.

What disturbs me is the bar seems to be set so low. One of my children is bored in school. He has no need to study for tests, and even aced the beginning of the year tests that gauge where they are at. There seems to be no challenge for those who are not in PC but require more enrichment. Everyone tells me to wait for middle school, but won't they just stagnate until then??? I supplement where I can, but with all the extracurriculars already in play, it makes for a loonnnggg day.

Just the Facts.

Please take note of the links on the right side of the page.

The Scores Tell it All

Old Beth #45
Parkway #88
Pasadena #142
Stratford #259

Stratford Road is #216

Old Beth is # 10
Parkway is # 36
Pasadena is # 136

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reflection and Summation

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "These Tactics are Being Used Because the Board Isn...":

Our community has learned a lot about free speech these past few months. This blog is another example of that.

Overall, the community is encouraging the Board of Ed NOT to negotiate. Many parents who have spoken out at Board of Ed meetings about their disappointment with union tactics have specifically mentioned this. So, you might want to consider that your action plans, guaranteed or not by the US government, and expressing solidarity or not, are not working in your favor.

As far as rankings go, there is much truth to the discussion on the group effort education has become - kids are learning at home and at school. Before you rest on your laurels, make sure they are strong enough to sit on. Realize that parents in this community will not let their kids fail, no matter who takes the credit.

Everyone Should Just Play Nice

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Time To Make Changes in the Classrooms":

I am amazed at how many negative comments there are about the teachers in POB. Although I cannot speak for all teachers, I do know that there are a great number of caring, hard-working people out there who give it their ALL. No profession can claim that EVERYONE who chose their career path is terrific. However so many of you feel the need to teacher-bash on this blog - it is truly upsetting to those of us who LOVE our job - who look forward to teaching your children every day - who take pride in what we do. Many of you point out what teachers do not do rather than focus on what we do on a daily basis. I do not want a medal or even a pat on the back from people who are so angry about the fact that I earn my salary. Are you the same people who refuse to watch professional sports because of the athletes' astronomical salaries???
Many of my colleagues and I are perfectionists. I strive to get the best results (and understanding) from my students. I am there to help them during extra help whenever they need it. I welcome them back in subsequent years to help them even when they are not my student any longer. I truly take offense to the negativity and animosity displayed by many of you. Can't everyone just play nice and display some commcon courtesy? I'm pretty sure that everyone would be a lot better off!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure?":

Tenure works like this :
A teacher is hired and works for 3 years trying to impress everybody in sight: parents, other teachers, administrators , the union president by going above and beyond the duties of their job teaching. All in an effort to get reccomended to the board for tenure which means that except for getting arrested, they can never be fired. Even if when they stop going above and beyond because they have tenure. Bad teachers can not be fired, just moved around from building to building. Tenure should be eliminated. If you do your job then you would not have to worry about being fired.

Don't Fool Yourself....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure?":

I hope all of the people reading and typing on this blog decide to come to the next board meeting . If you don't then we are all fooling ourselves if we beleive that something will change.

No Other Jobs To Compare....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Benefits: Comparison Please.":

We can not even begin to compare a teachers salary to any one else because there are no other jobs beside a teacher who make on average $96,000 for working 8:30-3:30 , 180 days a year and has an $80,000 pension that is free from New york state income tax on top of the 8% guaranteed interest 401k plan. The benefit plan is overly generous on the backs of Plainview residents who have to work in Manhattan 10-12 hours a day to pay their school tax bill

These Tactics are Being Used Because the Board Isn't Negotiating

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This is Nothing to Do About Money...":

All of the things you have mentioned, "work in hallways, "Teachers wearing black," "Buttons with frown faces and Plainview on it, "Bright orange posters in teachers cars," and "Informational picketing," are expressions of free speech. Since public employees are prohibited from striking by the Taylor Law, these are the only ways to express solidarity.

These tactics are being used because the Board of Ed is not negotiating. Rather than trying to restrict free speech, encourage your board to negotiate.

You state "the educational experience for my kids is degraded." Whose fault is that? By many measurements, POB ranks in the top 20 of 114 districts on Long Island, yet your teachers pay is in the bottom 25% of Long Island. Why is that? Why does POB continue to perform at top levels while their teachers are paid less than 75% of the island?

If POB performs top 25 with bottom 25, how is it that "the educational experience for my kids is degraded?"

I can guess why.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Time To Make Changes in the Classrooms":

The New York Times has an article today:
White House Pushes Science and Math Education

My 4th grader is very interested in science, but the problem is that there hasn't been any science in the classroom yet this year.

Perhaps the White House should look closer at what's going on in the classrooms - and NYS should start auditing educational content instead of just school district finances. For what we're paying in school taxes and for my kid to not have any science so far this year is another form of robbery.