Tuesday, March 16, 2010

BOE Coul Change Agenda

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BOE Agenda, Minimizes Parent/Taxpayer Input":

According to Roberts Rules
These are the rules that everybody from unions, government, school board, PTA, and the boyscouts follow these rules. The BOE knows that they can change the direction of the meeting at any point. They choose not to and that is sad because they know that residents do work early and do tend to leave after a certain time in the meetings.


  1. Here is a good Idea:
    How about the Board of Ed start their own blog where residents would be able to have an open forum online to talk to the BOE with the requirement that you had to register your real name with a valid email address. Then the Board could get some real insights to the ideas, concerns, etc of the community. I am sure there has to be some school districts that have this already. Feedback on this idea would definitely be good

  2. A School Board with courage

    In the news today. The Jersey city school board after not being able to agree on a contract with the teachers, they brought in a mediator. Just before they were about to agree to a contract the voted it down because the Governor of New Jersy cut funding for the schools. The school board stated they do not have the money to pay for the raises . even under intense pressure they stuck to their fiscally responsible decision. That is what I call courage!
