Friday, March 19, 2010

Business Vs School- Reality Check

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks in Defense":

your #4 comment about everybody deserving days off. Teachers have 4 weeks vacation, sick days , religious holidays that business do not close on and personal days. In addition to getting 7 weeks off in the summer. What business has that?
Comment#1. Did you ever go to the school at 4pm ? it looks like a ghost town. Everybody is gone.


  1. These religious holidays are not mandated by the teachers, they are mandated by the community and the federal government. the same with the summer vacations. as to your last comment, when I leave school I go home and either grade papers or plan for the next days work. most days I don't finish until about 7pm, this is true for most teachers.

  2. 4PM is not an accurate measure of a teacher's work. I'm a teacher, not in Plainview. Yes, my work day ends earlier but I arrive at work before 7AM, despite the fact that my contracted sign-in is much later than that. Most nights and weekends, I take work home with me (papers to grade, lesson plans to write, etc). During the school day, I'm lucky if I get ten minutes to eat my lunch. Otherwise, I'm working.

    My students come first. If they need me, I'm there regardless of what my contract says. I am constantly coming in early and/or staying late to give extra help to students that ask for it. When they have a problem, I'm always there to listen even if it means I don't eat lunch or take any sort of a break. For the working parents who need me who cannot speak to me during my "work" day, I'm on the phone with them from home. Over the years, I've played parent educator, social worker, mediator, counselor, detective, and motivator. I have students who are now fully grown adults who contact me every now and then. There is no price tag anyone can put on that, not teachers, not administrators, not the board of education.

    Comparing the business world to teaching isn't fair. Most people in the business world can get up and use the bathroom whenever they need to, come in a little late if need be or leave a few minutes early. Teachers cannot. People in the business world don't have to deal with behavioral issues getting in the way of other children's education. They have more control over what they do because they're not held accountable for children coming to school unprepared without family support, with homework undone, etc.

    No question, the summer vacation is a perk. The teachers in Plainview may have gone a bit overboard this year but to condemn every teacher in the world also isn't fair. Every job has it's advantages and disadvantages. Some have it much better in the business world. Other do not.

    Let's stick to the issues within our school district and stay above generalizations and pointing fingers. It doesn't do anyone any good. After all, if have such a negative opinion of teachers, why do you entrust us with your children?

  3. Every profession has its benefits and its challenges. In a great economy, business people make much more than teachers. Now, it's the opposite. Many teachers work beyond what's expected, bring work home with them, arrive at school at daybreak. Let's not let this blog become a "Let's bash the education profession."

    Their "fight" for higher pay this year didn't yield them much sympathy in the community, not in this economy. They should have taken a more community minded approach on this. Let's stick to where we want to go with our children's education here, which should be everyone's goal here, teachers as well as parents. Blasting the eduation profession just isn't fair.

  4. Why Is the Plainview Board of Education refusing to give out the information on the textbooks? do they have something to hide? This is exactly why The chances of this budget passing get slimmer and slimmer with each game that the BOE plays .When will we gat the relevent information for the vague description that the budget has listed on page 15 of the budget? copies of the proposed budget are available at the superintendents office . Everybody should request a copy.
