Sunday, March 14, 2010

Speak Your MInd, the Fear Only Helps Them Stay Their Course

Stefanie Nelkens has left a new comment on your post "Parents Who Speak Up are Troublemakers. (?)":

Why care so much about "they" think or what they "like?" Do what YOU think is right.

District officials don't have to "like" anything - their job is to deal with concerns. But we're remiss if we don't bring our concerns to their attention.

So long as I have concerns about my child's education I am going to share them with his teacher, building administration, central administration, the BOE, the teacher's union, other parents, all in the hopes of making things better not only for my child but for all children in this school district.

The more our community speaks out the better our school district will be. Everyone can add to the conversation. If you stay away out of fear you are helping to perpetuate the very environment you complain about.

I wear my "troublemaker" badge proudly.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I'm proud to be on your side.
